Severity Matrix - Severity Evaluation less critical for a Sub-Components Company?



Dear Marc, I hope this can't sound weird to you But I was waiting a lot to have an aswer about this I don't know If I did a wrong Question or If this Question is not Properly to discuss.
Would you or anybody tell me something abou it?

Look I have next
Could we consider that Severity Evaluation should be less critical if we know that we work for a Sub-Components Company?
This is because our Customer has another type of Detection Control Methods to detect if we could any sub-component in bad conditions before this sub-component could be a problem to Final Customers.
I feel that this table is referenced that exists a risk to find these kind of situations to those first-suppliers from Ford, GM & Chrysler.
And I feel that It would be better to understand If those Sub-component suppliers should have another kind of reference table of severity.
Could somebody talk about this issue please?

Smile is good for your Health

Family is First!

:bigwave: :bigwave:
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