ISO 9001 procedures content - Subcontracting electrical and instrumentation



hello guys,

Good day to all!
I have one trouble here regarding my procedures.Before i came here in this company they had already started ISO documentation few years back, quite 3 years to be exact but still they are not certified. As ive said in my previous post, its a multi profit business dealing with construction (actually subcontracting electrical and instrumentation ), trading material supply and manpower supply. As I review their previous documents I have found some relevant documents and procedures but limited only for construction , the two are still to be prepared. I am taking now writing procedures for construction division and i believe these documents here may help. I just have a doubt about this thing, I know i have to make revisions for these.
I have attached one procedure I have here and its compose of quite multiple procedures combined into one. could you kindly give points about this procedures so that i could revise it clearly.
Again thanks a lot in advance.




i am very sorry sir,as i preview it ,it was attached.any way please find this attached and comment some points for


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In taking a quick look at these documents, they appeared to be coherent. I had no trouble following them.

Is the company following these procedures? Does this reflect what they are actually doing?

Did you just put these together for the purposes of posting them here? I don't think I would put them together in practice; I might keep them as separate documents.

In the last two procedures/work instructions-you have two sections labeled reference documents. That may be a copy error; I don't know.



thanks for a quick reply. As ive told you these documents are for revision and jsut as you thought I am planning to separate these procedures. It was drafted by the previous person handling ISO. ALso as i see it me are seeing some points need to be improved.
But, its like this...the company's previous consultant says its ok.he even drafted me that these should be part of the quality plan as one single procedure. I am not an expert in this documentation as like you guys, but as my consultant says it must,but as he says so, my mind is quite questioning him is it really?....
As for the next questions if the company is following this procedure I may say some part of it is. Because commonly all documents needed are provided by our main contractor. But we have to provide our own right? I know these have some keys. we just have to get on more details.
Pardon me if i ask these questions, how do we develop procedures if almost all procedures are given to us. Just some points guys.
thanks in advance, opinions are very much welcome.
God Bless All ....



Quite Involved in Discussions
I too found them OK to follow, obviously I can't comment on the details but I found the style good. I would also make them separate procedures and if you want a quality plan, put that 'on top' of the procedures as a cover sheet which references the procedures being invoked.


My opininon:

Even though your contractor has their documentation, it will need to be accomodated with yours. Maybe... you could have something like identifying the essential components that need to be addressed in your procedure. Then, the main contractors documentation could be used instead of your documentation (assuming they are equivalent). You could have a form to document the activities should your main contractor not have a form for that particular area.

This may also be a good area to develop communication with the general contractor. Are you doing redundant activities? Could you develop activities that are complimentary?

You can't have a situation where only part of the company is completing part of the documenation.

1. What does YOUR company need to do?
2. That needs to go into your procedures.
3. Always provide assurances that is being done by having the correct documents completed.
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