Job Description: Job summary, list of duties, basic relationships, qualification


Marla Diaz

We are in the process of revising our job descriptions or what others now call "job ownership".

What we have is the typical JD with: a. job summary, b. statement of duties (numbered), c. basic relationship and d. qualifications.

Would appreciate any feedback/inputs on how others present their JDs. Are they what they call KPI-based?



Change Agent and Data Storyteller
Super Moderator
My company never had job descriptions in the past as we didn't feel they were needed. People knew what their responsibilties were based upon the documentation applicable to their job.

Unfortunately, for political reasons, we now have job descriptions which have the following information:

  • Title
  • Direct report
  • Date created
  • Date modified
  • Training requirements
  • Document training requirements
  • Job requirements
    • Education and/or experience
    • Job specific training requirements
    • Skills/competencies
  • Job description (responsibilities)

Looking the job description, one won't see a direct link to Key Indicators, however KI's are used to also asses performance.

  • How many Nonconformance Reports were assigned to them?
  • How many Abnormality Reports were assigned to them?
  • How many Customer Complaints were assigned to them?
  • How did their area score on 5S audits?
  • How did their area do on Job Observations?
  • Did they achieve their goals laid out in the Key Indicators?
  • Did they achieve their goals on their Annual Action Plans (continual improvement projects)?


I am attaching a copy of the format that we use for all job descriptions. The format is assigned a control number, an author and an approver.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Very useful.Both the Job description examples in total cover almost all possible aspects.

Once the organization starts to downsize, we all end up taking responsibilities much more than initially defined in the Job description for that position. I do not think the Job description ever gets updated to reflect this scenario!


Greg B

Hi All,
I hate the disclaimer on the bottom of ALL of our JDs.

'Other duties as deemed necessary by the manager'

Greg B

florin pirvulescu

duties vs responsibilities

I saw in diferent types of JD "duties" and "responsibilities". What"s the difference?

Rob Nix

florin said:
I saw in diferent types of JD "duties" and "responsibilities". What"s the difference?

Nothing really; consider them synonymous.

I started thinking of a number of hair-splitting differences, but then I thought, it's not worthy of a debate. So again, there is not enough difference to expend energy on.

florin pirvulescu

Right! Even in my language there is no significant defference. The Explanatory Dictionary has a crossreference between the two terms.
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