Need explanation and graphical representation of ABBE'S LAW

  • Thread starter David Drue Stauffer
  • Start date

David Drue Stauffer


Hi Guy's.
This may sound a bit naive, but I'm looking for an explanation and graphical representation of ABBE'S LAW. I have the definition but "a picture is worth a thousand words". While developing a metrology course (basic), it would be nice to be able to provide this information.
Can you help? Dave
[email protected]

Dave S.

Jerry Eldred

Forum Moderator
Super Moderator
I am unfortunately at a disadvantage. My library is packed up for a soon-coming office move. I recommend in the interrim that if you have access to GIDEP to review some of their calibration procedures. If you could possibly post or email me with some manufacturer/model number combinations that might be calibrated using methods associated with Abbe's Law, I would be happy to check my CD-ROM library for some illustrations. I did a brief web search on Abbe's Law and found some Microscopy course info that gave me a hit on that search word. If you try a search that way, perhaps you would find something to cover your needs. Please feel free to email me directly. I'll be glad to see what I can find.



Obtain a copy of "Fundamentals of Dimensional
Metrology" by Ted Busch Wilkie Brothers Foundation,Delmar Publishers Inc.
Includes history and pictures.

David Drue Stauffer

Thanks Jerry, I tried a net search as well with MSN that resulted in no "finds".
I'll try some other browsers.
I don't have any examples of mfg/models to give, only trying to graphically represent the principle for clarification in the ppt. course I am writing for basic metrology.
I'll keep searching, but thanks for your response and tips. If anythings pops up when you think about it, drop me another e-mail.
Thanks, Dave.

Dave S.

David Drue Stauffer

Sam, thank you for the lead, I did find an example of the law, the formula, and an illustration using a bench micrometer in the textbook "Fundamentals of Precision Measurement" Mitutoyo Metrology Institute.
I will check for the book you suggested, it would probably be a good source for my class.

Dave S.
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