Quality Manual sample needed (pharmacovigilance)



Hi all,

I just joined this site yesterday and it seems to be a pretty helpful and friendly site. My company works in the area of pharmacovigilance and I'm looking for some samples/examples of a quality manual, preferably in the area of pharmacovigilance. Or a quality manual of a company which offers services, not products. Should it be essentially a copy of the ISO9001:2000 manual, suitably modified?


Hi, I don't have a copy of a manual in pharmacovigilance (I'm actually having trouble pronouncing that!) but I would recommend you start by looking through the newest standard 9001: 2008 :)


Quite Involved in Discussions
If you look in the attachments (green box at the top of this page, just to the right of the lighthouse) you can search for all manner of quality manuals from lots of different industries.


Hi all,

please, does anyone have a pharmacovigilance quality manual sample or pharmacovigilance standard operative procedures?


Thank you for your reply but a new pharmacovigilance legislation is in force in EU and a new QMS for Pharmcovigilance is required.
So, If someone has a sample according to the new requirements, I will be very very grateful.


Fully vaccinated are you?
A quick "Bump". Does anyone here have any information of the latest pharmacovigilance legislation?
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