White Light vs. Laser Scanner - Investing in a 3d Scanner


Has anyone used either a hand held white light or a laser scanner? My Company is looking to invest in a 3d scanner. Any suggestions?

Danny Hoover

Involved In Discussions
Re: White Light vs Laser Scanner

I am currently using a Steinbichler Comet L3D and Polyworks inspection module. What is the purpose of the scanner, and how do you plan to use it?

True Position

Re: White Light vs Laser Scanner

What kinds of materials do you work with, what tolerance do you need, and what size parts are all important questions to ask before calling your gage salesperson.

Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
I gather your need is for a "no touch" method of confirming dimensions. Certainly the material, its size, configuration, and tolerances will play a big factor in the decision of what device to deploy. Further factors will include whether you will be checking one particular model of a product or many different configurations and how many you will be checking in a given period of time.

Danny Hoover

Involved In Discussions
Well I was hoping to get a good conversation started. I do not find many forums with good resources involving scanning......a slightly darker art than CMM measurement!


Well I was hoping to get a good conversation started. I do not find many forums with good resources involving scanning......a slightly darker art than CMM measurement!
We use services from Here in my city. It has some comparison between technologies. When you have curvatures and narrow profiles and need more precise 3D data, white light comes above laser.


Start emailing the vendors for spec sheets and you'll start to get an idea of what your company needs.

Non-contact scanners are available from $3000 (NextEngine) to $300k, depending on your requirements.

I've seen some neat demos at Eastec & CCATS, but the units we could justify $-wise weren't capable of 4:1 let alone 10:1 for our typical tolerances on small (<2" cube) parts.

Are your tolerances ?.020" or ?.002?
Is your material reflective or matte?
What will you be using it for? Reverse engineering? Just checking deviation against a CAD model? Or a fully toleranced GD&T inspection? Software has a huge impact on how easy it is to use. Typical inspection software will be $5k-$15k.
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