PPAP and Raw Material - Is a PPAP required when switching raw material suppliers?



A couple of simple questions.

Is a PPAP required when switching raw material suppliers?

Should I require a raw material supplier to do PPAP?


After I posted, I scrolled down and seen "Similar Threads" and I think I got my answer. I guess I should have searched instead of jumping right in.
By the way, this site is awesome.

Ron Rompen

Trusted Information Resource
Just in case you didn't find the answer after all, I'll give you my $0.02 worth.

PPAP requirements are ALWAYS driven by your customer. You are required to inform them of the change, and you MAY suggest what the changeover will require; anything from an email acknowledgement and approval of the change to a full blown PPAP submission, with performance testing, etc. I have gone through both extremes with customers.

Don't, however, ignore the customer approval. How they choose to give that approval, and what evidence they require to give that approval is dependent on how good a salesman you are :)

Bill Ryan - 2007

I agree with Ron. Our Sales Dept. is constantly requiring "Level 3" submissions for everything. When I talk to the SQE, they normally do not want the full blown package submitted and I have "whittled down" the number of parts required numerous times. That's not to say we don't address/update all 19-22 elements internally but for most "minor" changes they just don't want, or require, a 2-3" thick submission. Bottom line is always talk to your customer.

BTW - Welcome to the Cove Ted :bigwave:


According to the ppap manual you're only required to do a new ppap if the change in raw material supplier would cause a change in the functionality of the material you provide to your customer - if the material will now NOT be exactly to their specifications. See page 12, point #8. But this is a "bulk materials" exclusion, and I can't tell from your original question whether or not that applies to you.
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