Patent law is getting tax crazy - Patented Tax Deductions


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A NY Times/International Herald Tribune piece is about the rise of patented tax strategies. Yes, certain financial firms are patenting their tax strategies (Patent law is getting tax crazy), and then claiming no one else can use them to reduce their taxes. In one case, a financial firm has actually sued the chairman of Aetna for daring to use its strategy to reduce taxes. The IHT article claims that 50 tax reduction patents have been granted and many more are pending. A recent article in Fortune claimed that there are another 81 tax reduction patents pending (Taxes: Patent that loophole). That Fortune article points out why this is patently ridiculous: "tax advice hinges on interpretations of the law and... the law should be available to everyone equally, without the need to pay a licensing fee." Not so in our wonderful world of patents.


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I think that I will patent driving under the speed limit as a way to reduce receiving speeding tickets. Please pay $1 to my paypal account every time you drive under the speed limit AND do not receive a ticket.

I would patent common sense, but I don't think I could ever get people to use it...
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