ASQ's CMQ Certification - Training Costs and Benefits




I am thinking of taking CMQ exam in March.
Please guide me by answering the questions I have in my mind:

1- Is it beneficial to take ASQ Training that costs $525 or just rely on Primer?

2- If I have to approach my Company for help on cost, what benefits to my company I can show them for me sponsoring me for CMQ exam?

3- What is generally the probability of passing the Exam the first time (I have about 10 years Managerial experience)

Thank you


I took the CMQ/OE exam about a year ago, and thought the training class was extremely helpful. The CD exam that's available w/ the primer from the Quality Center of Indiana (I think) was also really helpful.

You'll need to know that primer inside-out to pass the exam, and lots of study and indexing of the primer will help, but you'll need to just know most of it.


I plan to take this exam in 2016. Can I just buy the Third Edition of the BoK book (currently it is at the fourth edition) and still have a good chance to pass?


Do you have any tips on how I should go about getting started on studying for the CMQ?
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