The GRI Report or Explain Campaign (Sustainable Development)

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly

If organizations are to be taken serious about their sustainability efforts (i.e., supporting Wikipedia reference-linkSustainable_development), they need to start reporting their actions and performance.

The Report or Explain Campaign Forum aims to increase organizational transparency worldwide.

Populated by a diverse and committed community, the Report or Explain Campaign Forum captures the many ways that sustainability disclosure can become standard practice – for a majority of organizations, in a majority of countries.

In spotlighting initiatives, the Campaign Forum focuses on minimum sustainability disclosure regulation. Minimum disclosure requirements create a level playing field for all companies, and allow room for reporting innovation, creativity and flexibility by more experienced reporters.

The Campaign Forum is championed by a wide range of organizations. Campaign Forum participants advance the sustainability reporting agenda in a number of ways:
  • Organizations can join and contribute to the Campaign Forum, sharing information on developments and initiatives on the disclosure of sustainability information
  • Companies can show support publicly for the Report or Explain Campaign Forum
  • Committed individuals and civil society can call on companies and regulators for a substantial change on disclosure and transparency
  • Governments can initiate minimum sustainability disclosure regulation
  • The Report or Explain Campaign Forum tracks global initiatives to advance the goal of mainstreaming environmental, social and governance disclosure. The Forum has the latest news about how organizations are pursuing their plans towards the goal of a widespread ‘report or explain’ culture.
The Forum gathers and shares vital information about:
  • where and how sustainability reporting is building momentum and increasing in popularity
  • where and how minimum environmental, social and governance disclosure regulation has been advocated or implemented
  • where and how regulatory measures complement voluntary and private initiatives
  • where and how perspectives are shifting from asking: Why do you report?; to Why don't you report?
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Antonio Vieira

Involved - Posts
Trusted Information Resource
More or less interesting…
But how does this all thing of sustainability fits with Quality and Quality Management?

This is not as easy (and logical) as integrating ISO 9001 with ISO 14001…

In simple terms "Quality and Quality Management" is one of the elements of a business organization that contribute to Sustainability.

With kind regards,


Antonio Vieira

Involved - Posts
Trusted Information Resource
That's true if you consider sustainability as the existence itself of the organization.
But that word is being used as something related with the environment, and that in fact has little directly related with quality management.


The present day understanding of sustainability in businesses is about the triple bottomline approach: Economically viable, environmentally sound and socially responsible. The GRI report is a means of communicating the performance of an organization in these three dimensions to the stakeholders, some thing similar to the Financial Annual Report meant for the shareholders. Your understanding that Sustainability is related to environmental performance is true to an extent, especially when people equate Sustainable Development to Sustainability. To my knowledge there is a congruence on the understanding of concepts of CSR, Sustainability, Responsible Business etc., now, all referring to various elements (Core and Supplementary indicators) mentioned in GRI reports. You may refer to ISO 26000 too; you will find that the Quality Management System contributes to various aspects of a Responsible (Sustainable) business.

With kind regards,

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