CQE References allowed in the Exam Room



I know, right? Did you have a handful of questions you have never seen? There were some management or personality questions I have never seen. I assumed they were part of the 15 bonus ones, but wasn't sure.

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There were some very WEIRD ones. As in, this has NOTHING to do with quality. It seemed like they were just curious how halfway intelligent people might respond to totally off the wall questions.


Hello ,

I starting to CQE exam preparation. Which book is better CQE Primer or ASQ handbook ?

Thanking in advance.


I thought the CQE primer was more helpful. I bought both and ended up referencing both during the exam but the primer more so.

I felt like I should add, my work reimbursed me for the materials so I pretty much bought everything. I also really liked the quiz CD that I got along with the primer.
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I see the new CQE Primer (2015 Edition) available on Indiana Quality Council page. Can we take it in the exam room as a reference material? Also does anyone here know what if there is a huge difference between 2006 version and 2015 version of the exam. I am new to CQE and this forum. Any guidance would be helpful.


Thank you so much for your quick response. Apart from the CQE Primer hard copy do you have any soft copy material available with you for exam preparation? My company may only reimburse me up to 100$ for exam material so I want to chose what I can buy carefully. Also, I am planning on taking the exam in April. Just in case, if you want to sell me the used material I can buy it as well. Please do let me know.

Thank you so much again.
Manish Kothawade


I would buy the CQE book and CD questions. You will exceed the $100, but it would be well worth it.
As for changes, the 2015 edition added a whole chapter on risk. The QCI page has a list of changes, but I can't link to it.
I am also selling my CD if you look in the other forum for selling stuff.

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