Failure Mode Failure Modes are sometimes described as categories of failure. A potential Failure Mode describes the way in which a product or process could fail to perform its desired function (design intent or performance requirements) as described by the needs, wants, and expectations of the internal and external Customers.
FMEA Element FMEA elements are identified or analyzed in the FMEA process. Common examples are Functions, Failure Modes, Causes, Effects, Controls, and Actions. FMEA elements appear as column headings in the output form.
Function A Function could be any intended purpose of a product or process. FMEA functions are best described in verb-noun format with engineering specifications.
Occurrence Occurrence is an assessment of the likelihood that a particular Cause will happen and result in the Failure Mode during the intended life and use of the product.
Risk Priority Number The Risk Priority Number is a mathematical product of the numerical Severity, Occurrence, and Detection ratings. RPN�=�(S)�� �(O)�� �(D). This number is used to place priority on items than require additional quality planning.
Severity Severity is an assessment of how serious the Effect of the potential Failure Mode is on the Customer.