10 CFR Part 21 - Section 206 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974



I need to post Section 206 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.in our facility.
Can anyone help me out?
I have seen it, and pursued it some time ago. It took me 3 days of calling government offices before I finally tracked it down. Now I work somewhere else, and need to track it down again.

Don Winton


I am not familiar with the document in question, but perhaps the following might help.

If the document is a USC, it can probably be found at https://law.house.gov/

If the document is a CFR, it can probably be found at https://www.access.gpo.gov/



Fully vaccinated are you?
Don't forget your local library. I got my first job in quality when I read an advertisement for a person who knew a certain MIL spec. I went to the library, looked it up, made a copy, read it and then called the company and told them that I did read it and that it was not a problem. They hired me practically on the phone (1 short in-person interview). I was told later they liked how aggressive I was in finding the spec, etc.
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