ISO 14001 - Identify Environmental Aspects and Impacts


June Ang - 2005

Identify Environmental Aspects


Halo! It's me again. I have another problem in identifying environmental aspects. I hope i can get more clarification from here and i really appreciate your reply.

My condition:
I'm now going to conduct training for "identifying the environmental aspects & impacts". I already identified a list of aspects, impacts and significant aspects. And, now when i look back to what i'd identified, i would still doubt on the "environmental aspects' identified.

My approach is "process flowchart" by identify the inputs and outputs. While identify the aspects, i would consider those activity/operation, inputs and outputs that could generate an env impact.

My 1st question is: where should i stop? For example :

Activity 1 : Clearing vegetation
Inputs : Machinery
Outputs : Dust generation, waste generation

From the input, i could actually come out with another activity

Activity 2 : Use of machinery
Inputs : Fuel consumption
Outputs : Gas emission, noise generation.

Currently, i only stop at activity 1 which i identify the "use of machinery" as my environmental "aspect". My consideration when selecting an aspect is:
1) this aspect is large enough for meaningful examination and small enough to be understand.
2) this aspect is able to be controlled/ managed

So, what do you think???? :confused:

My 2nd question is: some of the environmental issues related to the activity may not classified as input or output, but it actually a consequence resulted by the activity. For example:

The environmental issues concerning activity 1 :
- increased water runoff discharge

I still consider this issue as my output resulted from activity 1 and identify it as environmental aspect.

What is your opinion? :bonk:

Can I come out with the following conclusions which will take as the basis principles for me to identify the aspect:
1. the aspect selected should be large enough for meaningful examination and small enough to be understand
2. an aspect should be something which we can control
3. the consequence which is environmental concern resulted from the activity can be considered as an aspect for the activity

I attended the relevant course before but i regret that i attended the course too earlier which i have no chance the ask about this.

Thanks for reading my question and thanks for any reply.


Super Moderator
June, you're on the right track. Remember it is you procedure and these are your aspects.

You might want to break each activity down further...Activity 1 ask yourself what all is involved? If you are generating exhaust fumes you are using a fossil based fuel (gasoline or diesel most likely). Therefore another aspect is the utilization of fossil based fuels and the depletion of natural resources......

You should not be doing this alone..get others involved and brainstorm..really look at what it is you and what it takes to do it.

June Ang - 2005


hi, thanks for any reply and sorry for not reply the mail soon cause i was too busy in conducting the trainings.

i'd carried out the training sessions at yesterday and today and as what you said before, Randy. They have give me a lot of suggestion and ideas on how to improve the identification criteria and procedures.

If there is anything new discovery, i would be glad to share with all of you.


Manoj Mathur

Quite Involved in Discussions
1.1. The following register of environmental aspects and impacts has been created in order to ensure that HINDALCO IND. Ltd. comply with the requirements of section 4.3.1 of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. It is the responsibility of Steering Committee to review and where necessary update the register on a regular basis. New products, processes and improvement projects will be reviewed by Design & Development Department and dependant upon their aspects and impacts the register will be amended.
1.2. Controlled copies of this Register are available for the site to review. These copies are held by Manual Holders as identified in AAR 004. Access to the register is open to all site employees.
1.3. The register of environmental aspects and impacts will be formally reviewed and if necessary updated at a period not exceeding 12 months.
1.4. In accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 the Organisation has established procedures which assess the actual and potential environmental impact of its activities carried out at the site. Consideration has been given to environmental impacts, over which the Organisation has both control (direct) and influence (indirect). Key areas for consideration within this context include: emissions to atmosphere, discharges to water, generation of waste, land contamination, use of energy and resources, noise, dust and odour nuisances and Eco-system impact. Assessment and review has also been carried out for both normal and abnormal conditions, emergency situations and consideration to past, present and potential future impacts.
1.5. It is the responsibility of Head of the Dept. under the guidance of Operations Managers to co-ordinate the assessment of environmental aspects and impacts and liaises with appropriate site personnel regarding specific detailed process performance and / or other specialist information. Where appropriate with consideration of financial and operational feasibility, Organisation will review its environmental objectives and targets with reference to the significant aspects identified following the review and assessment procedure.
1.6. Each activity is assessed for its potential environmental impact and its level of management control against the following aspects, as applicable:
1.6.1Air emissions
1.6.2 Liquid Effluent
1.6.3 Waste disposal
1.6.4 Land Contamination
1.6.5 Noise and Vibration
1.6.6 Ecosystem Impact
1.6.7 Energy and Resource Consumption
1.6.8 Dust or odour
1.6.9 Abnormal or Emergency Situations
1.6.10 Start-up Shutdown.
1.6.11 Past, Present and Future Considerations.
2.1. Hindalco Industries Ltd., Silvassa, manufactures Aluminum Foil and Aluminum Alloy Wheels.
2.2. The manufacturing facility is divided into the following functional areas:
2.2.1. Rolling Department
2.2.2. Conversion Department
2.2.3. Casting, Department
2.2.4. CNC Department
2.2.5. Painting Department
2.2.6. Quality control Department (Foil Plant)
2.2.7. Quality control Department (Wheel Plant)
2.2.8. Engineering department Consists of Electrical and Mechanical Departments of Wheel and Foil plants and also the utilities. Under utilities following functional areas are covered.
a) Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)- attached to paint shop, Wheel Plant
b) Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
c) Cooling towers
d) D.G. Sets
e) Compressors
f) L.P.G. Unit
g) Nitrogen Generator
h) Pump House
2.2.9. Design & Development department
2.2.10 Environment Cell
2.2.11 Security & Fire
2.2.12 Logistics
2.2.13 Stores
2.2.14 Human Resources Department
2.2.15 Civil

3.1. In addition to the environmental assessments carried out on site activities and processes at HINDALCO IND. attention is also given to the purchase of materials from Suppliers.
3.2. Assessments are also carried out for the Contractors responsible for transportation and disposal of wastes from the process.
3.3. Assessing Suppliers for their environmental performance would be taken up on need basis progressively.

Serge Daiman

Hello Juna,
My approach, and the one our trainees usually find useful and explaining, is that e.aspects are *causes* of impact. So the reason and aproach for defining e.aspects is the closer you get to the source of the impact, the easier it is to change.
My best loved example is a natural gas-fired powerstation emitting "fox tail" of NOx. One may call gas burning an aspect that causes NOx emission, one may argue that it is the lack/failure of gas cleaning equip. But, what causes extra NOx emission, and what could easily be controlled (by mostly a management system!) is the supplied gas/air relationship, and operator who didn't care about it. So if you want to control an aspect, try to look at it as closer as possible.
Best luck,
Aspects and Impacts and their significance - Educational Institution


I am assisting an educational institution in establishing an environmental management system according to ISO-14001. I would be thankful if members who have some experience in this sector suggest aspects and impacts relevant to educational institutions that may be taken up for further analysis of significance.

Thank you for your suggestions.

with best regards,



Super Moderator
Check with the University of Missouri at Rolla. These folks have had an inplace 14000 program for a couple of years and ISO 9000/140001 is a required part of the curriclum. You'll have to do a Google search or something to find the website.


Seeking sample procedures, manuals, formats and singificant aspect impact study

Dear Members

I am a fresh consultant and Lead assessor doing consulting work in India. I like to have some inputs so that it would help me. Please send me some sample formats, procedures and manuals on ISO14001 & 18000 and also i like to have more emphasis on HOw the aspect impact to be done?

Looking for your kind guidance
S. A P Venkatesh
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