Compliance Obligations - legislative, regulative and others



Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

Trying to resolve an issue we have with our system.

We have a compliance register which contains the details of applicable legislation and regulations as well as other obligations to which we need / wish to comply with.

We are based in Scotland and so have both Scottish and UK requirements to comply with.

We receive regular updates via SEPA regarding changes to applicable legislation, regulations etc and update our register as and where required.

We communicate and share these changes and their impacts with personnel.

The issue is in how do we assess and provide evidence of compliance to the stated legislation and regulations.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome...


Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

Trying to resolve an issue we have with our system.

We have a compliance register which contains the details of applicable legislation and regulations as well as other obligations to which we need / wish to comply with.

We are based in Scotland and so have both Scottish and UK requirements to comply with.

We receive regular updates via SEPA regarding changes to applicable legislation, regulations etc and update our register as and where required.

We communicate and share these changes and their impacts with personnel.

The issue is in how do we assess and provide evidence of compliance to the stated legislation and regulations.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome...
The legislations and regulations does tell you to do certain things, keeping to certain dates, etc., and such offices also provide you permits or licenses or other such documents or certificates. All your done things like the applications, renewals, responses to any notices etc, as well as what you receive from such offices together (The Records) are your evidence of compliance.
Does this answer you, or you have something else in mind...


Thank you somashekar

We do have communications history between ourselves and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and other authorities. So can evidence that. However, we don't need or have any permit requirements for our current operations.

I think that the issue may be that we are claiming compliance to too many legislative and regulatory requirements and that we need to review and revise the register to show only those that actually apply and concentrate on those.

I think my predecessor went OTT and included everything they could find onto the register rather than checking what is actually applicable.

The process we currently have for compliance checks is that we receive a monthly e-mail from SEPA which details any changes and we then check our register and update the references where required... It is basically just updating a list...

insect warfare

QA=Question Authority
Trusted Information Resource
I think that the issue may be that we are claiming compliance to too many legislative and regulatory requirements and that we need to review and revise the register to show only those that actually apply and concentrate on those.

I think my predecessor went OTT and included everything they could find onto the register rather than checking what is actually applicable.

I'm gonna refer you to this previous post of mine which I think might be relevant to your situation....hope this helps.

Brian :rolleyes:


Insect Warfare (Brian)

Thanks :D

That is the kinda thing I was thinking of...

I owe you a pint as we say here in Scotland :D
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