Attribute Gage Study Assistance - Drop gauge - 2 gauges, used by 4 operators

Ron Rompen

Trusted Information Resource
I am working on an attribute (drop gauge) study on 2 gauges, used by 4 operators. I am trying to determine the following information:

1) Are the gauges consistent in their decision (Pass/Fail) to themselves?
2) Are the gauges consistent in their decision to each other?
3) Are the operators consistent in their to themselves?
4) Are the operators consistent in their decision to each other?
5) Are the combination of operator and gauge consistent to themselves?
6) Are the combination of operator and gauge consistent to each other?

I have read over the Attribute Gage Study method in the MSA manual, and there seems to be some information missing; since I don't know the percentage of parts which are known to be nonconforming (and can't discover it WITHOUT the gauge...long story, don't ask) I can't seem to come up with the expected values for ACCEPT and REJECT quantities. The MSA manual is definitely NOT user-friendly.

Unfortunately, I am unable to upload the results of the study that I have done, which would (probably) make it easier for someone to assist.

I would (ideally) like a Minitab format for this study, so that I can repeat it at will (on other gauges/operators/etc), but I will take any assistance that I can get.

Thanks in advance.


Forum Moderator
Ron Rompen said:
Unfortunately, I am unable to upload the results of the study that I have done, which would (probably) make it easier for someone to assist.

Can you zip the file or convert to PDF and attach it?

Ron Rompen

Trusted Information Resource
Unfortunately, I am unable to upload ANY type of file to the Cove. Still not sure what the problem is.

If you would like me to email it to you directly, please let me know and I'll happily do so. I can be reached at

[email protected]


bmccabe - 2006

Hi Ron,
I'll post your attachments for you. Shoot them over.


urgent message to ron s rompen - contact your sister immediately in toronto at 416-218-9578:topic:
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