Engineering Documents Names should follow Quality Naming Coding?



Hi all

I´ll explain a problem , hope yo fee me back.


I name the quality documents in this way:

Quality procedures


Procedures for 7.3 Design and development


But suppose this Engineering procedure has working instructions
or specifications under it or linked.

I could name them e.g. SOP-ENG-001-1 WI for cleaning
or a specification e.g. SOP-ENG-001-2 WI for blasting
this way is easy to detect them as related documents to the procedure.

But what it happens if such WI´s are assigned a special code defined
in the Engineering department (already defined in the control of documents).

SPE-MEC-1000 for Cleaning
SPE-MEC-189 for Blasting

At first sight, this type of coding is very diferent that the code
for quality documents ( SOP-ENG,xxx), which may cause confusion or not easy can be related each other.

In your opinion and experience, what is the best method to name and refer documents (WI´s and specfifications) referred in the mains procedutres (SOP´s)?

I really appreciate your help.


But in practice hoe


It is really up to you. You have to identify what works best in your company. If you declare in your procedure that the nomenclature is for QMS = SOP-QMS, for ENG = SOP-ENG, then you have to rename all your engineering procedures.

But for some reasons which I don't know, there might be a some logic why the engineering have their nomenclature like that. It might be easier for them to identify what SPE-MEC means rather than SOP-ENG...If this is the case, you can revise your procedure for naming nomenclature that for QMS the design is SOP-QMS and for Engingeering the design is SPE-MEC...
I hope this helps.
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