Iran - Who is holder of an Iranian registration in general?



Hey guys,

I need your support.
I guess that anyone of you already has gained experience with Iran registrations.

Who is holder of an Iranian registration in general? Is it possible and under which circumstances, that the foreign manufacturer (in this case a German manufacturer) holds the registration? Or is it always the Iranian partner who is allowed to hold it?
Perhaps there are several possibilities…
In case that there are many dealers in Iran who would like to sell; do we have to register then several times the same product - with each new partner/dealer?
Is there a possibility to transfer existing registrations to the foreign manufacturer or to another dealer/partner in Iran?

Thank you in advance for your ideas or opinions.

Sarah Stec

Off the top of my head, an Iranian organization has to hold the registration. I'm happy to be corrected by someone who deals with the Iranian regulations every day, but you may also want to do some digging into whether or not your country has a sanctions program against Iran. To my knowledge the US and the EU do, which may implicate you/your German manufacturer depending on the scope of the sanctions.
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