Supplier Nonconformance & Corrective Actions Procedures




In our organization we have created a non conformity report for suppliers and we are confused with to which procedure should this report belong to (non conformance procedure or Quality Control Procedure)

and we need to add an internal non conformity report for internal audit and QC issues so, I need your help to know how to handle related issues with this

2- QA decided to add 8D report for suppliers (external) & 8D for internal non-conformance issues for all departments

my thought, that the 8D of the supplier should be issued by the Quality Control department and should be serialized

but I really can't figure out how to treat with 8D reports internally and cross departmental

If there any real world example that would be great

I really appreciate your help

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
The 8D is one tool of many that may help a CAR owner to resolve issues and record actions. I have often seen it routinely sent to suppliers for product related issues, which makes sense because not only was there a problem with product, it escaped them.

But I'm not convinced an 8D is needed for all internal corrective actions. Sometimes a simple 3w (who will do what and when) or 5Y will work. Sometimes an owner will want to use his or her own project tool. I certainly wouldn't want to discourage that.

For that reason I would serialize the corrective actions and not the forms used. If you want to keep supplier CARs separate, okay. If you want to put them in the same database as internal CARs, you could serialize them starting with an S or some way to clearly indicate they are supplier CARs - for the sake of researching and reporting to management.

I hope this helps!
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