RAPS RAC - Regulatory Affairs Certification Help



Hi Marc,
I am newbie to Regulatory Profession as well to Elsmar!!!
I find this forum of immense help for newcomers like me.

Would you help me in guiding as to how and where I can get more knowledge about this field! Also suggest me reading materials that are easily available on net..
Your experience and knowledge in this field will help a newcomer like me immensly.

Thanks in advance!!


Fully vaccinated are you?
Welcome to the Cove!

I'm not personally a regulatory affairs professional. Hopefully one of the others can help you.


Thank you Ajit for the information!!
I went through RAPS website and it hepled .
however, I find it preety hard to afford the course amount.
So my concern is whether RAPS is the ultimate Regulatory proffession to be acquired ( that ll be accepted globally ) or are there any other alternatives( with reasonable fee structure ).
Also if I get a certification done in India will it be valid on global platform?

Thanks in advance!!
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