Coding Standard vs Coding Guidelines vs Code Review Checklist



Dear All

Kindly share your thought on Coding Standard vs Coding Guidelines vs Code Review checklist. Explain me the commonality or difference if there any.

Kind Regards,
Kutty Papa


Quite Involved in Discussions
This is a great question to be honest, I am curious too!!!

Coding standard is for me where there is a standard how to use one or other programming languages in special industries. These are for me coming from external sources.
Coding guideline for me a non compulsory recommendation and it could be externally or internally developed.
Check list though something internally expected to go through as a bare minimum for code review event.



Super Moderator
For me, the lines blur between coding standards and coding guidelines. We have (internally developed) coding standards that address both formatting (comment structure, variable naming conventions, and other 'readability' aspects) and technical content (when to unroll loops, etc.).

Review checklists guide the code reviewer in assessing code; e.g., it outlines things to check for, both compliance to the standards (code structure, etc.) and technical (use of literals instead of defines, array / loop indices, etc.).

Just to round it out, there are also code inspections. These are more formal checks for bugs rather than compliance to conventions. We often facilitate these with a checklist as well. These focus on just the technical aspects identifying bugs.
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