What are the Best Study Materials for the SSBB Exam?




I have the QCI BB Primer and solution manual, what else will I need? What should I bring in to the exam? How should I prepare?

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Good day capnkrk,

I passed the ASQ SSBB exam a couple of years ago. While I had purchased a great many books, most in statistics (my weakest subject) I found the single best source for the exam site was the ASQ SSBB Handbook. I brought a number of texts with me to the exam site and that one was the one I found the best overall success with as a reference.

I should add that I took a Masters level course in Business Statistics, which was a very big help for the statistics theory, and/or the actual problem solving.

I hope this helps!


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I passed my SSBB certification last year and i took QCI BB Primer and I also made my hand written notes as 'quick sheets' where i wrote all the formulas and quick reference definitions and it help me to save a lot time.


Thanks for the replies, any other good advice out there??? I know there are more than 2 of you who have passed this.

Study tips, anything at all that you think might help me knock this off...thanks!!

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Thanks for the replies, any other good advice out there??? I know there are more than 2 of you who have passed this.

Study tips, anything at all that you think might help me knock this off...thanks!!
Study tips: get the ASQ SSBB Handbook, and go through it cover to cover. Take notes, highlight text, work the math problems. Learn the theory: when to use a z test versus a t test, for example. Buy the practice exam disk and go through it more than once; use the text to look up the answers. I have found I learn a lot more when I am looking for something in a text than when just reading it.

I hope this helps!



I have the QCI BB Primer and solution manual, what else will I need? What should I bring in to the exam? How should I prepare?

can't bring in the solution manual.

the indiana primer is plenty. you won't have time to check anyway
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