ISO 17025 testing laboratory - Receiving lab supplies - What really needs a C of A?



We are an ISO17025 accredited testing laboratory with a very robust vendor approval process that is driven by our corporate purchasing team. We are also limited as to what we can purchase from the vendor by are corporate system. Currently, when we receive lab supplies; anything from reference standards to pipette tips to micro media, we get a C of A for the supplies. Most of the time, the C of As do not come with the supplies, because the supplier charges extra for that a service or it may hold up the delivery of the supplies, so we need to either request one after the fact or go onto the supplier website and find the C of A. When is it too much?? Do we really need all of these C of As if we have qualified the vendor and limited the types of purchases, and everything is purchased with a PO that states no substitution, and complies to specifications etc...?



Super Moderator
Re: ISO17025 testing laboratory -receiving of lab supplies - What really needs a C of

A Quick Bump!

Can someone help?

Thank you very much!!

John Broomfield

Super Moderator
Re: ISO17025 testing laboratory -receiving of lab supplies - What really needs a C of

We are an ISO17025 accredited testing laboratory with a very robust vendor approval process that is driven by our corporate purchasing team. We are also limited as to what we can purchase from the vendor by are corporate system. Currently, when we receive lab supplies; anything from reference standards to pipette tips to micro media, we get a C of A for the supplies. Most of the time, the C of As do not come with the supplies, because the supplier charges extra for that a service or it may hold up the delivery of the supplies, so we need to either request one after the fact or go onto the supplier website and find the C of A. When is it too much?? Do we really need all of these C of As if we have qualified the vendor and limited the types of purchases, and everything is purchased with a PO that states no substitution, and complies to specifications etc...?



May I suggest that you conduct a risk assessment with the users of these supplies to determine which items absolutely must have Certificates of Analysis?

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