JMDN (Japanese Medical Device Nomenclature) codes list needed



First I'd like to say that I've been using the great links provided by cove members regarding GMDN codes for several months now. Thanks!

However, now I am looking for a place where I can lookup, or obtain a list of, JMDN (Japanese Medical Device Nomenclature) codes.


In my experience, JMDN is only available in Japanese so we have had to rely on our distributors to inform us of the relevant JMDN codes. It is a farily big document after all!

However, I have also found that typically the JMDN code is the GMDN code + three 0's on the end i.e, 12050000.

I couldn't say for sure that that is the case for all the 1000s JMDN codes, however it is for mine.

Once again, so much for harmonisation!


Starting to get Involved
Has anyone been able to help locate the JMDN codes list? If there was a link to a Japanese website or to the document that would be great help.


As I know, JMDN has problem with GMDN regarding copyright of codes and terms. So it is not available publicallly. It is for MHLW internal use only!

JMDN has a good correlation with GMDN.

You have to leave it to your JP representatives. Give them GMDN code and they are able to identify the JMDN.


Starting to get Involved
Thank you for your response. Perhaps you know someone that could help with this. My GMDN Code is 42274 which is a synonym 36503. If anyone could help i would greatly appreciate it.


Starting to get Involved
Good news, i was able to get a copy of the JMDN code list! I contacted a gentleman in the Japanese Office of Device Evaluation who gave me a link to it. Of course it is only available in Japanese, however with yahoo's babel fish website i was able to translate english to japanese and do a document search to find what i needed.

Most numbers are the same as GMDN codes plus three zero's as mentioned in an earlier post about this topic. However there are only half the pages of the GMDN code list so you might not be able to locate your code. If not good luck, you will really have to work with a representative and Japan from that point on.

Anyways, im unable to post the list because i havent posted enough apparently, so if you need a copy of it reply to this post with where you want me to e-mail the link to and i'll send it.

This took me about two months to track down! And in doing so i have learned alot about the Japanese Regulations, but i still have much to learn.
please enjoy!


Very good. pls send me a copy , thanks a lot!
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