Logistic organization and controls - IATF/ISO 9001 audit


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Dear all,

In the company where I work, the component (material) stock area is currently crammed with boxes. Because the headquarters that is abroad is sending more parts than is being used and the company has always had problems with space. In this case, as quality depart., I went to the inventory to check and what I saw was boxes of material without defined location, many boxes next to the others (sometimes with similar PN), difficulty even passing between boxes. One of the customer's requirements is not being met because it would be the 6S. If the company receives an IATF or 9001 auditor, apart from the question of not having a location for every material and not meeting the 6s, what other points could be pointed out. (the finished good area is almost in the same situation already). I still haven't talked to the logistics manager who is responsible for the schedules.


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Work with the area manager and see if a solution can be worked out to minimize errors-mistakes. You might also have a safety issue brewing.
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