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Free ISO 9001:2015 Transition: Much Easier Than You Think! 2019-11-24

This is the handout (slides and notes) for a 1-hour webinar I presented during the transition period. The deadline for the transition has passed, but it may be useful if you are trying to implement ISO 9001. Cochran, Craig. 2015. ISO 9001:2015 in Plain English. Chico, California: Paton Professional is an excellent and easily readable book on this subject.

It includes principles from Sun Tzu's Art of War ("ISO 9001: -500" as in 500 BCE), Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings, and even Al Capone on your relevant interested parties; "Give the people what they want." It also includes basics on writing effective procedures, including identification of responsibilities and answering the questions, "Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why" regarding each step--a principle first described by Rudyard Kipling. Another way of saying this is that none of these principles are entirely new, and all are highly practical and effective, but only now are they being incorporated into ISO 9001.
Bill Levinson
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This is an eye opener on my part in which I was trained with tutors that there was a major change on ISO 9001:2015 however with this an additional knowledge and adapting the change immediately. Thank you very much.
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