4.16 File Index per department? List used as the Record Control List (4.16)?



4.16 File Index per department?

In addition to control forms in a Document Control List (4.5), does anybody can tell me if this list may also be used as the Record Control List (4.16), provided that records location is also identified?

Or every departament must have its file index arranged in accordance with their need?. By instance Purchasing files records by Supplier, Sales by Customer, Engineering by Specs, QA by Audit, CAR/PAR,etc., and Production by Mfg Order.

Thanks in advance for any input.


barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
If the MDL for forms contains the required information from 4.16, then that covers the requirement.

One downfall would be if all the forms are not "quality records" as defined by 4.16. Not every form that is used and filled out is considered a quality record. If you do as you suggest, add a notation some how/where to say which are Quality records as controlled by 4.16......either in the number or indicator. To not do that makes all the forms a record and a real pain !!!

Personally, I like to have each process owner maintain the active records then after one year(or as appropriate per process) combine in a central archive area. This matrix would be listed in a QPxx with the details required by 4.16. The process owner assigns the details.


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Yes, Hector, you can combine lists (if I understand the question). The only requiremetn is you have the appropriate columns. In fact, if you look in the pdf files directory there is a file named something like doc_mat.pdf where I did just that for a small company.

Each company should decide what they need with respect to size and the complexity of the business.
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