I need to prepare the cyber security documents for pre-market submission.
Could anyone provide me templates
I need to prepare the cyber security documents for pre-market submission.
Could anyone provide me templates
In the FDA Guidance on Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Quality System Considerations and Content of Premarket Submissions a new concept called SPDF is introduced. The guidance says, A Secure Product Development Framework (“SPDF”) is a set of processes implemented by the device maker designed to mitigate the number and severity of vulnerabilities in products throughout the device lifecycle.I would suggest dealing with it through risk management. Possibly even creating a separate FMEA for cybersecurity. That will cover the list of items considered. Controls will be defined to mitigate risk and facilitate traceability.
Things get tricky pretty quickly when you incorporate SOUP/COTS. You may have to have procedures to do malware scans before deploying. I would document those efforts / outcomes in a version description document.
Here's the link: (broken link removed)