We are a Heat Treating facility and are seeking TS registration.
I just recveived the "Quality Quickbytes" from AIAG and they had a nice definition of a supplier.
The article says, " a 'Supplier' in the clause ( refers to sites where production and/or service parts specified by the customer are manufactured. See also the definition of 'Manufacturing', 3.1.6."
My question is - would any of our suppliers actually be suppliers under this definition? We purchase items such as electricity for the furnaces, quench oils, nitrogen, ammonia and natural gas. All, or some, of these are used in the furnaces. We also purchase controllers for the furnaces and furnace parts. I have heard it said by QS auditors that all of these need to be on an approved suppliers list because they are quality critical suppliers.
We Heat Treat the parts our customers send us. We do not add anything to them, unless you count the carbon added, and we do not take anything away. We change the chemistry of the parts.
Under the definition given would we have any suppliers that we would have to control other then any outsourced Heat Treating?