Storage and Inventory - We don't use FIFO for everything - How can we comply?



We don't use FIFO in all the materials we have in inventory because:

* the storage space is not big enough and to get to the first in we need to spend too much time because the forklift doesn't have enough space to move around.

How can I deal with this requirement? Does anyone have an idea?

Our first move was to buy the building next to us but the owner doesn't want to sell it to us. The second move was to buy containers but they are not enough.

I thought we could move all the old material from the back to use them during the inspection and clean up of storage. We inspect and clean up storage every 4 months. What do you think?


Rosana :bonk:


Do you have enough space to use racks to stack material at different height levels? If so you could stack in racks according to dates, or develop a FIFO storage/stacking system then.


Rosana, IMO storge space has nothing to do with FIFO.
FIFO starts with JIT which starts with purchasing. Unless purchasing is involved FIFO will not work.


Packaging Instructions - Controlled Document or Record

I have a datbase with each part number , the quantity , type of container and if any other special requirements such as silica bags, qc inspection. I called this a work instruction, as I am now going to an electonic control of this document and shipping is the only dept that uses it or has access, can I just call it records of each part. Therby not having to call it a work instruction or try to revision control it. I do have an automatic date go in on any modification to a record


Hello All:

I think FIFO is offered as one example of a methodology for an optimized inventory managment system. I do not see a requirement to use FIFO. I read to refer to FIFO as an example of optimized inventory management.

I would recommend looking at your material flow and what appears to be an ineffective invenotry management system.

It sounds like you might have a bigger problem meeting the requirements in 6.3.1. - Optimized material travel, handling and value-added use of floor space.

By the way, were you suggesting that your re-order the inventory so it looks like you use FIFO to pass an audit? I would suggest a goal of fixing the problem for your business and not window dressing for an audit. Maybe I read the posting incorrectly?

Thank you, Dirk


I may not agree with doing things just to pass an audit but I have been involved in such practices before.

Once, I watched my organization put lots of "stuff" into a few semi traliers and drive them to a parking lot. The trailers stayed there until the ISO 9001 audit was over. This was almost 10 years ago. We got our registration. I was not in support of the activity and did not acutally help but I watched it happen.

I do not condone doing things just to pass an audit but this approach may help you if your only goal is to pass an audit. I share this to let readers know that even though I may have been critical of Rosana's comments, I have been there myself. In no way do I beleive that I am "Holier than Thou."

Regards, Dirk
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