A2LA vs. NADCAP - Could someone explain the differences?



A lab switched from being A2LA certified to being NADCAP certified. They say it basically the same type of certification. Could someone explain the differences if any? This is uncharted territory for me.


In my understanding, they are both certifications to the same standard. It would be the equivilent of choosing a registrar for certification to ISO 9001:2000 or any other standard. Both lab certifications would be to ISO 17025.



NADCAP are you sure?

I am under the impression that you mean NAVLAP. NADCAP is for cerification for special processes mandated by the Aerospace industry.



NADCAP is what they told me. Don't know the major differences.


Trusted Information Resource
NADCAP is the 2nd party audit organization that is one of the ones sanctioned by AIAG. They are closely related with PRI, now a NACLA-signatory accrediting body.

A2LA, like PRI, IAS, and NVLAP, is an accrediting body.

Wesley Richardson

Wes R
Trusted Information Resource
To expand on Hershal's comments:

A2LA is American Association for Laboratory Accreditation. They provide Accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories to ISO/IEC 17025.

NVLAP is National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. They are part of NIST. They provide Accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories to ISO/IEC 17025.

NADCAP was National Association of Defense Contractors Accreditation Program. It was administered by Performance Review Institute (PRI). NADCAP was originally formed as a result of GE Aircraft Engines and others to shift aerospace primes from auditing suppliers, to having the suppliers and testing laboratories pay PRI to have audits. The original standard for laboratories was based on GE S400. There was also a GE S1000 document. Special processes required additional audit criteria and checklists. There are SAE documents, I think AS 7101 for laboratories, and others which are now the standards that the audits do done to.

Nadcap has evolved to performing ISO 9001 audits as well, and has gained acceptance from other aerospace primes. Nadcap maintains a Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) for those companies that are able to supply specific components for aerospace. They also keep a listing of testing laboratories and the scope of the testing they can perform for aerospace related items.

Wes R.


Trusted Information Resource
Good expansion Wesley, and thanks.

Only reminder, A2LA is one - but not the only one - of the accrediting bodies that provide accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 for both test and cal labs.


Wesley Richardson

Wes R
Trusted Information Resource
Accreditation agencies

Hershal didn't wish to self promote, but here are some of the agencies that provide Accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories in the U.S.:

IAS, International Accreditation Service, Inc., https://www.iasonline.org
(previously ICBO Evaluation Service).

A2LA, The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation, https://www.a2la.org

NVLAP, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, https://ts.nist.gov/ts/htdocs/210/214/214.htm

LAB or L-A-B, Laboratory Accreditation Bureau, https://www.l-a-b.com

ACLASS, Assured Calibration and Laboratory Accreditation Select Services, https://www.aclasscorp.com

NQA, National Quality Assurance Limited, https://www.nqa.com

ASCLD, American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors, https://www.ascld.org

I am sure there are more. This is not an endorsement of any of these organizations. I will leave it up to the potential client to make the determination as to which of these has the reputation and services that they need.

Wes R.

David Johnson

A2LA would conduct a Laboratory quality management system audit to ISO 17025, which is NOT specific to the aerospace industry.

Nadcap is much deeper and more prescriptive and is specific to the aerospace industry. For instance, Nadcap requires ISO 17025 is the prerequisit QMS and then adds any of the following specifications that apply to your Lab: (SEE LISTING BELOW). To contact me, see my profile. Sincerely, David Johnson

Materials Testing

AC7006 Rev F - Audit Criteria for Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025

AC7101/1 Rev D - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Testing Laboratories - (General Requirements for All Laboratories)

AC7101/2 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - (Chemical Testing)

AC7101/3 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - (Mechanical Testing)

AC7101/4 Rev C - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Testing Laboratories - (Metallography and Microhardness)

AC7101/5 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Testing Laboratories - (Hardness)

AC7101/6 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Testing Laboratories - (Corrosion)

AC7101/7 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Testing Laboratories - (Mechanical Testing Specimen Preparation)

AC7101/8 Rev A - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - (Differential Thermal Analysis)

AC7101/8 Rev B - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - Differential Thermal Analysis [to be used on audits ON or AFTER 2-Aug-09]

AC7101/9 Rev A - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - (Heat Treating)

AC7101/11 Rev A - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Materials Test Laboratories - (Fastener Testing)

Non-Metallic Materials Testing (NMMT)

AC7122 - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Metallic Materials Testing Laboratories

AC7122/1 - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Metallic Materials Testing Laboratories - (Class A: Composites)

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

AC7114 Rev C - Nadcap NonDestructive Testing (NDT) Suppliers Accreditation Program Audit Criteria

AC7114/1 Rev C - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Penetrant Survey

AC7114/2 Rev C - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Magnetic Particle Survey

AC7114/3 Rev D - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Ultrasonic Survey

AC7114/4 Rev C - Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Film Radiography Survey

AC7114 S Rev D - Supplemental Audit Criteria for Nadcap Non-Destructive (NDT) Suppliers Accreditation Program Audit Criteria

AC7114/1S Rev D - Supplemental Audit Criteria for Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Penetrant Survey

AC7114/2S Rev D - Supplemental Audit Criteria for Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Magnetic Particle Survey

AC7114/3S Rev D - Supplemental Audit Criteria for Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Ultrasonic Survey

AC7114/4S Rev D - Supplemental Audit Criteria for Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing Facility Film Radiography Survey

EDIT NOTE: David Johnson's Company and Contact Information can be found in his Profile.
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