I've been thinking the same way. Rather than use the term 'Quality Engineering' the term 'Productivity Engineering' comes to my mind.
Production engineering seems to be after the planning and design stages, Inspection is after the manufacturing stage (when its too late). I see Productivity Engineering taking a more global view of the total process including admin, manufacturing, aftersales service etc.
Productivity = Qua£ity and is about having robust products and process, it is about keeping cost down and removing waste from the organisation as a whole. Productivity, Quality, lean manufacturing, mistake proofing and all the other good stuff we use these days has to be planned in, it has to be engineered up front to enable manufacturing to produce a good product from day one and totally satisfy our customers every time.
Traditionally the quality department was/is seen as inspection (thankfully I work for a more forward thinking company i.e no inspection department etc). I too think its time for a change, the word Quality is too narrow and blinkered by the past. But the only word I keep coming back to to create any redirection and fresh thinking is 'productivity' .
Are there any other words out there????