American Heart Association


Aaron Lupo

Just a friendly reminder, there has been quite a few hits on this threads but no donations yet. :thedeal:


A pledge

As some of you know, I've been dabbling in real estate for the last couple of months since being laid off. But no money yet :( Here is my pledge: if I get a contract negotiated before the end of this month I'll sponsor you - and Jerry Eldred's mission too.

But until then, I have no dinero.:ko:

Aaron Lupo

Lucinda- thank you very much, I appreciate the sentiment. Good luck with the Real Estate! :bigwave:

Randy- What can I say, thank you very much I appreciate any donations I can get and once again just like last year you came through again! :)



Success times 2!

Yay!!! I got a contract!!:bigwave:

So, even tho' it isn't closed until the end of March and I haven't really earned any money until that happens,(which is probably a record for how low can you go....) I'm making good on my pledge!!!

Hope this helps!

(BTW, this doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form, that I've given up on quality,environment, health, or safety. In fact I've submitted app's for two different GREAT jobs this week, but I'm not a lazy person and have to keep busy. Plus we still have a family to support so we do what we must do......:) )

Aaron Lupo

Congratulations Lucinda and thank you for the generous pledge!!

I can appreciate what you are going thru in the last 5 years my wife and I both went through the layoff job search merry go round and it certainly is not any fun.

Good luck on the job hunt. Although I have a job I am looking to move on because who knows how much longer the company I work for will be in business, so I can sympathize with you somewhat.


Aaron Lupo


Thank you for your donation I appreciate it very much!!

Yes, it has resulted in a few donations!!

Aaron Lupo

Just a reminder that you still have time to contribute, the date of the walk is March 29.

Thank you to everyone that has donated so far!

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