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Ref.: 967
15 September 2005
Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world economy
The newly published latest edition of The ISO Survey of Certifications confirms the “thorough integration” of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with the world economy. The survey also shows the success of the ISO 9001:2000 transition and reveals that the service sectors are now by far the biggest users of the standards.
The annual survey, now in its 14th edition, provides a worldwide panorama of certification to ISO’s quality and environmental management system standards. The latest edition reveals the situation at the end of 2004, the first full year after the three-year period allowed for transition to the ISO 9001:2000 version.
The worldwide total of certificates to the ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems standard at the end of 2004 was 670 399, an increase of 35 % over the previous year and 64 % over 2000, the year before the transition to ISO 9001:2000 began. Certificates had been issued in 154 countries compared to 149 a year earlier.
With 90 569 ISO 14001 certificates at the end of 2004, an increase of 37 % over the previous year, ISO’s environmental management system standard confirms its global progression. Certificates had been issued in 127 countries, up from 113 the year before. The increase in the number of certificates in 2004 is the largest so far recorded in the ten surveys in which ISO 14001 has been included.
For the first time, the survey provides certification data on two ISO standards that include the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, plus sector-specific requirements. It shows that at least 10 056 certificates had been issued in 62 economies to ISO/TS 16949:2002, which gives quality management systems requirements for suppliers to the international automotive industry.
In addition, at least 3 068 certificates had been issued in 56 countries and economies to ISO 13485:2003, the sector-specific quality management standard for the medical device sector.
The survey points out that if the number of certifications to the ISO 9001:2000-based specific quality requirements published by ISO for the automotive industry and the medical device sector is added to the total for ISO 9001:2000 then the aggregate total at the end of 2004 was 683 523.
“Even this figure does not fully reflect the market penetration of ISO 9001:2000,” ISO Secretary General Alan Bryden commented. “ISO 9001:2000 is the core too for specific quality standards developed by major sectors. An example is the telecommunication sector’s TL 9000, which accounts for well over 1 000 certificates. ISO has also worked with the oil and gas industry to develop the ISO 9001:2000 based ISO/TS 29001 and this will no doubt generate many more certifications. The conclusion is that ISO 9001:2000 is providing a common, harmonized base of quality system requirements for global supply chains in one major sector after another.
“In fact, the survey results confirm that both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 are thoroughly integrated with the world economy. They show too that the transition to the improved, more rigorous ISO 9001:2000 version has been a success as the world total of certifications is now far in excess of the total before the transition began. This augurs well for the current transition to the improved ISO 14001:2004.
“One of the development objectives for ISO 9001:2000 was to make it easier for service providers to achieve benefits from the ISO 9000 approach. Therefore, it is both encouraging and highly significant that not only ISO 9001:2000 but also ISO 14001 certification is now highest in the service sectors, each accounting for 31 % of all certificates, This validates ISO’s decision to make standards for services one of its major growth areas.”
ISO out-sourced the collection and compilation of data for the 2004 survey to the market research firm ACNielsen, of Vienna, Austria.
The principal survey findings are provided free of charge on ISO’s Web site, including world, regional and country breakdowns.
The ISO Survey of Certifications - 2004 (ISBN 92-67-1040-1) is also available as a combined report and CD-ROM from ISO’s national member institutes (see full list with contact details) and ISO Central Secretariat (see below) at a cost of 48 Swiss francs. In addition to the categories of data listed above, the report includes world totals by industrial sector, while the CD-ROM also provides country-by-country breakdowns by industrial sector.
Note for Editors
Certification of conformity is not a requirement of the ISO standards themselves, which can be implemented without certification for the benefits that they help user organizations to achieve for themselves and for their customers. Nevertheless, many thousands of organizations have chosen certification because of the perception that an independent confirmation of conformity adds value.
ISO itself does not perform certification to its standards, does not issue certificates and does not control certification performed independently of ISO by other organizations. However, it frequently receives requests for information on the number of certificates and this led the organization to undertake The ISO Survey, which is now in its 12th year. ISO provides the basic results free-of-charge as a public information service
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Enquiries about orders:
Ms. Sonia Rosas Friot
Marketing Services
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Press contact:
Roger Frost
Press and Communication Manager
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Ref.: 967
15 September 2005
Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world economy
The newly published latest edition of The ISO Survey of Certifications confirms the “thorough integration” of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with the world economy. The survey also shows the success of the ISO 9001:2000 transition and reveals that the service sectors are now by far the biggest users of the standards.
The annual survey, now in its 14th edition, provides a worldwide panorama of certification to ISO’s quality and environmental management system standards. The latest edition reveals the situation at the end of 2004, the first full year after the three-year period allowed for transition to the ISO 9001:2000 version.
The worldwide total of certificates to the ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems standard at the end of 2004 was 670 399, an increase of 35 % over the previous year and 64 % over 2000, the year before the transition to ISO 9001:2000 began. Certificates had been issued in 154 countries compared to 149 a year earlier.
With 90 569 ISO 14001 certificates at the end of 2004, an increase of 37 % over the previous year, ISO’s environmental management system standard confirms its global progression. Certificates had been issued in 127 countries, up from 113 the year before. The increase in the number of certificates in 2004 is the largest so far recorded in the ten surveys in which ISO 14001 has been included.
For the first time, the survey provides certification data on two ISO standards that include the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, plus sector-specific requirements. It shows that at least 10 056 certificates had been issued in 62 economies to ISO/TS 16949:2002, which gives quality management systems requirements for suppliers to the international automotive industry.
In addition, at least 3 068 certificates had been issued in 56 countries and economies to ISO 13485:2003, the sector-specific quality management standard for the medical device sector.
The survey points out that if the number of certifications to the ISO 9001:2000-based specific quality requirements published by ISO for the automotive industry and the medical device sector is added to the total for ISO 9001:2000 then the aggregate total at the end of 2004 was 683 523.
“Even this figure does not fully reflect the market penetration of ISO 9001:2000,” ISO Secretary General Alan Bryden commented. “ISO 9001:2000 is the core too for specific quality standards developed by major sectors. An example is the telecommunication sector’s TL 9000, which accounts for well over 1 000 certificates. ISO has also worked with the oil and gas industry to develop the ISO 9001:2000 based ISO/TS 29001 and this will no doubt generate many more certifications. The conclusion is that ISO 9001:2000 is providing a common, harmonized base of quality system requirements for global supply chains in one major sector after another.
“In fact, the survey results confirm that both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 are thoroughly integrated with the world economy. They show too that the transition to the improved, more rigorous ISO 9001:2000 version has been a success as the world total of certifications is now far in excess of the total before the transition began. This augurs well for the current transition to the improved ISO 14001:2004.
“One of the development objectives for ISO 9001:2000 was to make it easier for service providers to achieve benefits from the ISO 9000 approach. Therefore, it is both encouraging and highly significant that not only ISO 9001:2000 but also ISO 14001 certification is now highest in the service sectors, each accounting for 31 % of all certificates, This validates ISO’s decision to make standards for services one of its major growth areas.”
ISO out-sourced the collection and compilation of data for the 2004 survey to the market research firm ACNielsen, of Vienna, Austria.
The principal survey findings are provided free of charge on ISO’s Web site, including world, regional and country breakdowns.
The ISO Survey of Certifications - 2004 (ISBN 92-67-1040-1) is also available as a combined report and CD-ROM from ISO’s national member institutes (see full list with contact details) and ISO Central Secretariat (see below) at a cost of 48 Swiss francs. In addition to the categories of data listed above, the report includes world totals by industrial sector, while the CD-ROM also provides country-by-country breakdowns by industrial sector.
Note for Editors
Certification of conformity is not a requirement of the ISO standards themselves, which can be implemented without certification for the benefits that they help user organizations to achieve for themselves and for their customers. Nevertheless, many thousands of organizations have chosen certification because of the perception that an independent confirmation of conformity adds value.
ISO itself does not perform certification to its standards, does not issue certificates and does not control certification performed independently of ISO by other organizations. However, it frequently receives requests for information on the number of certificates and this led the organization to undertake The ISO Survey, which is now in its 12th year. ISO provides the basic results free-of-charge as a public information service
ISO Store: to order (broken link removed)
Enquiries about orders:
Ms. Sonia Rosas Friot
Marketing Services
Tel. +41 22 749 03 36
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
E-mail [email protected]
Press contact:
Roger Frost
Press and Communication Manager
Public Relations
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 733 34 30
E-mail [email protected]
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