ISO 9001 News Annual ISO Survey of Management System Certificate Numbers - September 2023

Sidney Vianna

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Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

Just curious as to why ISO only covers ISO 9001, 14001, 13485, TS 16949 and IEC 27001 and not others in their Survey Report ?
What others are you referring to? If the others you are curious about are not ISO Management System Standards, then ISO has no incentive to report non-ISO standards usage.

Some interesting comments prefacing the data:
The responsiveness of certification bodies to requests for data varies. Not all submit data. Among those who do, the quantity and quality varies. In some cases, estimates have to be made. From time to time, mistakes or additional data come to light and the figures are adjusted accordingly in subsequent surveys.
In view of these difficulties, the survey has never pretended to academic rigour in its compilation, to scientific accuracy in its results, or to being exhaustive. The survey does not therefore attempt an in-depth analysis of the results, and a degree of caution is advised in interpreting these.

Also interesting to realize that Italy has over twice as many ISO 9001 certificates than the USA. Even Spain has more certificates than the US. China leads the way in numbers.

The only Standard that USA has more certificates than the others is 13485.
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Ajit Basrur

Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

What others are you referring to? If the others you are curious about are not ISO Management System Standards, then ISO has no incentive to report non-ISO standards usage.

Gotcha - thanks

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

The ISO Survey 2007 is attached. I wonder how long this will take before being mentioned in the ISO website. And, according to the numbers, we still did not have 1 million organizations certified to ISO 9001, at the end of 2007.

Actually we had a significant decline in the number of new registrations for ISO 9001.


  • survey2007.pdf
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Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

Thanks Sidney - makes for interesting reading.

It appears to show a decline of 10,000 certifications for Australia & NZ (!) but notes the methodology had changed. That seems to be an awful lot of duplicated data/errors to produce so much change.

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

It appears to show a decline of 10,000 certifications for Australia & NZ (!) but notes the methodology had changed. That seems to be an awful lot of duplicated data/errors to produce so much change.
In the US, the numbers show a drop of 8,691 ISO 9001 certificates from 2006 to 2007, with a change in methodology as well.
Looks like some CB's were using advanced math to do their accounting, and, who knows, deploying imaginary numbers....:rolleyes:

On a more serious note, besides Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Mexico, some other coutries show decline in the actual number of certificates: UK, Germany, Japan...

I am interested to see how this survey will be spun referred to in the press release, when it comes out in the ISO website.
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Jim Wynne

Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

As long as it is for medicinal purposes...
Reminds me of W.C. Fields and his saying that he kept a flask of liquor on his person to be used only in case of snakebite, and in another pocket he kept a snake.


Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

Reminds me of W.C. Fields and his saying that he kept a flask of liquor on his person to be used only in case of snakebite, and in another pocket he kept a snake.

:lmao: Now there's an idea!

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

The ISO Survey 2007 is attached. I wonder how long this will take before being mentioned in the ISO website. ....
Actually we had a significant decline in the number of new registrations for ISO 9001.

In the US, the numbers show a drop of 8,691 ISO 9001 certificates from 2006 to 2007, with a change in methodology as well.
Looks like some CB's were using advanced math to do their accounting, and, who knows, deploying imaginary numbers....:rolleyes:

On a more serious note, besides Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Mexico, some other coutries show decline in the actual number of certificates: UK, Germany, Japan...

I am interested to see how this survey will be spun referred to in the press release, when it comes out in the ISO website.
It took a few days:

The ISO Survey of Certifications – 2007reveals certification activity around one or more of ISO's management system standards in 175 countries, up from 170 in 2006 – "a clear demonstration", according to the survey, " that they have become essential tools of the world economy".
ISO Secretary-General Alan Bryden comments: "The survey illustrates in a very concrete manner the extent to which ISO management system standards are meeting the organization's strategic objective of 'global relevance' – in other words, adding value for the organizations that use them all over the world."
The principal findings of the survey are as follows:

ISO 9001:2000 (quality management)

Up to the end of December 2007, at least 951 486 ISO 9001:2000 certificates had been issued in 175 countries and economies. The 2007 total represents an increase of 54 557 (+ 6 %) over 2006, when the total was 896 929 in 170 countries and economies. Services again accounted for 32 % of all certificates issued.

The increase appears much smaller than in 2006 (+16 %) and according to the survey several factors may have combined to produce this result:
  • The 2007 survey data collection methodology was strongly re-focused on obtaining figures from primary sources, the certification bodies that actually issue certificates, to reduce the increased possibility of error inherent in obtaining data from secondary sources (accreditation bodies and databases). This has resulted in the totals for several countries being revised downwards.
  • Certification activity slowed down in anticipation of the forthcoming new edition of ISO 9001, with organizations adopting a "wait and see" attitude, as many did in the run-up to the 2000 edition.
  • The market for certification is maturing in certain countries where this activity began early on.
  • The continuing growth of sector- or activity-specific editions of ISO 9001 reduces the number of certifications to the generic standard.
  • The trend for organizations to replace multiple-site certificates by one certificate covering all sites continues, although its extent is difficult to quantify, and also reduces the number of certificates.
ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management)

Up to the end of December 2007, at least 154 572 certificates had been issued in 148 countries and economies. The 2006 total represents an increase of 26 361 (+ 21 %) over 2006, when the total was 128 211 in 140 countries and economies. The service sectors accounted for 29 % of certificates issued, up from 27 % in 2006.

ISO/TS 16949:2002 (quality management for automotive suppliers)

Up to the end of December 2007, at least 35 198 ISO/TS 16949:2002 certificates had been issued in 81 countries and economies. The 2007 total represents an increase of 7 199 (+ 26 %) over 2006 when the total was 27 999 certificates in 78 countries and economies.

ISO 13485:2003 (quality management for medical devices)

Up to the end of December 2007, at least 12 985 ISO 13485:2003 certificates had been issued in 84 countries and economies. The 2007 total represents an increase of 4 959 (+ 62 %) over 2006 when the total was 8 026 in 81 countries and economies.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (information security management)

At the end of December 2007, at least 7 732 ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificates had been issued in 70 countries and economies. The 2007 total represents an increase of 1 935 (+ 33 %) over 2006 when the total was 5 797 in 64 countries and economies. Service sector organizations accounted for 90 % of the certificates issued.
The survey results continue to shed light on the evolution of the global economy, with newly emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil and the Russian Federation appearing among the leading countries for totals of certificates issued, or growth during 2007. Countries other than the established industrialized economies showing intensive certification actitivity include Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Thailand and Turkey.

More information

ISO makes available the principal findings of the survey free of charge on the ISO Web site. More information, including industry sector breakdowns, can be found in The ISO Survey of Certifications – 2007, which is a combined brochure and CD costing 48 Swiss francs. It is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details) and from the ISO Central Secretariat through the (broken link removed) or by contacting the Marketing & Communication department (see Sales enquiries, right-hand column).
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