ISO 9001 News Annual ISO Survey of Management System Certificate Numbers - September 2023

Sidney Vianna

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Re: Latest ISO Survey confirms integration of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with world econo

I contacted ISO about the availability of the 2008 version of the ISO Survey. It should be out by the end of November.

Sidney Vianna

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ISO Survey 2008

So, we have not yet reached the "magical" millionth ISO 9001 certificate, after all....
Annual ISO Survey of Management System Certificate Numbers - September 2023

Implementation of ISO management system standards for food safety and for information security (with IEC) has sharply increased, as revealed by The ISO Survey of Certifications – 2008.

Certification to ISO 22000:2005, which gives the requirements for food safety management systems, shot up by more than 96 % during 2008. At the same time, certification to ISO/IEC 27001:2005, which gives the requirements for information security management systems, increased by more than 20 %.

Despite the financial crisis which began in 2007 and spread to most countries and sectors of the economy in 2008, The ISO Survey reveals certification activity around one or more of ISO’s management system standards in 176 countries (175 in 2007).

ISO comments in the introduction to the survey: "This a clear demonstration that they have become essential tools of the world economy and retain their attraction for organizations even in time of crisis. It is also possible that organizations look to management systems for supporting their objectives even more during a crisis."

ISO 9001:2000/2008
The 2008 survey reports cumulated results for ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008 because the new edition does not include any new requirements compared to the earlier edition which it replaces.

ISO 9001, which gives the requirements for quality management systems, is now firmly established as the globally implemented standard for providing assurance about the ability to satisfy quality requirements and to enhance customer satisfaction in supplier-customer relationships.

Up to the end of December 2008, at least 982 832 ISO 9001 (2000 and 2008) certificates had been issued in 176 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 31 346 (+3 %) over 2007, when the total was 951 486 in 175 countries and economies. Services have signicantly increased their share of certicates, with service providers accounting for 40 % of all ISO 9001 certificates compared to 32 % in 2007.

ISO 14001:2004

ISO 14001:2004, which gives the requirements for environmental management systems, confirms its global relevance for organizations wishing to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Up to the end of December 2008, at least 188 815 ISO 14001:2004 certificates had been issued in 155 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 34 243 (+22 %) over 2007, when the total was 154 572 in 148 countries and economies. Services accounted for 34 % of certicates, compared to 29 % in 2007.

ISO/TS 16949:2002

ISO/TS 16949:2002 gives the requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2000 by suppliers in the automotive sector. Up to the end of December 2008, at least 39 320 ISO/TS 16949:2002 certificates had been issued in 81 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 4 122 (+12 %) over 2007 when the total was 35 198 certificates in 81 countries and economies.

ISO 13485:2003

ISO 13485:2003 gives quality management requirements for the medical device sector for regulatory purposes. Up to the end of December 2008, at least 13 234 ISO 13485:2003 certificates had been issued in 88 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 249 (+2 %) over 2007 when the total was 12 985 in 84 countries and economies.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 gives the requirements for information security management systems. At the end of 2008, at least 9 246 ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificates had been issued in 82 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 1 514 (+20 %) over 2007 when the total was 7 732 in 70 countries and economies.

Service providers account for by far the largest share of certificates, 94 % (up from 90 % in 2007).

ISO 22000:2005

ISO 22000:2005 gives the requirements for food safety management systems. Although the 2007 survey did not provide detailed breakdowns of ISO 22000:2005 certifications, it gave a rough global total. The 2008 survey allows a comparison by providing country-by-country breakdowns for both 2007 and 2008.

Up to the end of December 2008, at least 8 102 ISO 22000:2005 certificates had been issued in 112 countries and economies. The 2008 total represents an increase of 3 970 (+96 %) over 2007 when the total was 4 132 in 93 countries and economies.

Brochure + CD-ROM

ISO makes available the principal findings of the survey free of charge on the ISO Website. More information, including industry sector breakdowns, can be found in The ISO Survey of Certifications – 2008, which is a combined brochure and CD-ROM. It is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details).

It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, price 50 Swiss francs, through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication and Information department (see right-hand column).

Note to Editors
Certification of conformity is not a requirement of the ISO standards themselves, which can be implemented without certification for the benefits that they help user organizations to achieve for themselves and for their customers. Nevertheless, many thousands of organizations have chosen certification because of the perception that an independent confirmation of conformity adds value.

ISO itself does not perform certification to its standards, does not issue certificates and does not control certification performed independently of ISO by other organizations. However, it frequently receives requests for information on the number of certificates and this led the organization to undertake The ISO Survey. ISO provides the basic results free of charge as a public information service.
Some interesting excepts from the attached file:
Change in methology
In line with the ISO 9001 requirement for continual improvement, a major effort was launched with the 2007 survey to improve the reliability of the data by harmonizing the collection methodology.

In previous years, the survey data had been collected from a variety of sources including ISO national member institutes, accreditation bodies, certification bodies and regional certification databases. A disadvantage of this approach was the resulting mixture of data from primary sources with secondary sources. Compiling data from secondary sources increased the possibility for error, particularly as these sources themselves may use different methodologies for compiling data. To reduce such problems to the minimum, the data collection method has been undergoing harmonization since the 2007 survey so that whenever possible, it has been obtained from the primary sources – the certification bodies that actually issue certificates.

Continual improvement
For future editions, the harmonized methodology will facilitate the comparison and consistency of the survey data. The responsiveness of certification bodies to requests for information has increased with the 2008 survey, improving its content. At the same, the push for continual improvement has brought to light a major discrepancy in data relating to several countries which had come from a single source.
The total of ISO 9001 certificates given for The Netherlands in the 2006 survey – and, in the absence of new data, repeated in the 2007 survey – now proves to have been significantly over-stated. Since the same source had supplied ISO 9001 data for a number of other countries, their corresponding totals for 2006 and 2007 were also too high. The ISO 9001 totals for the following countries have been therefore been revised downwards in this 2008 survey:
• The Netherlands, by 10 890
• India, by 10 270
• Israel, by 4 893
• Brazil, by 1 404
• Japan, by 13 527
• Thailand, by 1 235
• Ukraine, by 618
• USA, by 4 317.

To a lesser extent, the same situation has affected the totals of ISO 14001 certificates for the following countries which were over-stated in the 2007 report and have been revised downwards in this 2008 survey:
• Brazil, by 125
• Israel, by 191
• Thailand, by 102
• USA, by 486.

Because of these downward revisions, the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 totals for the countries indicated appear to have dropped sharply in the 2008 survey, when in fact this is an impression created by the over-inflation of figures in 2006 and 2007.

Figures on ISO 14001 certifications in Japan supplied by the same source also now prove to be have been overinflated and so the 2008 total for this country has been adjusted downwards by 6 233. The fact that despite this, Japan still shows an increase on 2007, indicates that the increase in ISO 14001 certification in Japan is far higher than suggested by the 2008 total.

ISO 9001 – 2000 and 2008 editions cumulated
On 15 November 2008, ISO 9001:2008 was published replacing the earlier edition, ISO 9001:2000. Because the 2008 edition does not include any new requirements compared to the 2000 edition, no attempt has been made to differentiate in the 2008 survey between the two. The totals of ISO 9001 certificates given cumulate both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008 certifications.

Certified sites
The survey is of certificates, not the number of sites covered by a certificate. At the same time, it is recognized that many organizations are choosing to have a single certificate covering multiple sites. Although not all certification bodies respond to the request to distinguish between single-site and multiple-site certificates, the response has been improving. As a result, this edition of the survey innovates by including a number of tables (when sufficient data has been received) giving country-by-country breakdowns of the number of certified sites (single-site and multiple site certificates cumulated).

Available online
The condensed version of the survey, with tables giving the world, regional and country totals of certificates, is accessible free-of-charge on ISO’s Web site (, plus graphics showing the rise in certificates over the different cycles. The paper version of the complete survey, including a CD-ROM with additional information regarding breakdowns of the number of certificates per country by industrial sector, is available at a cost of 50 Swiss francs from ISO Central Secretariat ([email protected]), and from ISO’s national member institutes (their contact details are provided on ISO’s Web site).
The 2008 survey gives detailed ISO 9001 certification breakdowns from December 2004. To facilitate comparison and analysis the 2006 edition, which gives the figures for 2001 to 2006, is retained on the ISO Web site, along with the 2000 edition which gives figures for previous ISO 9000 versions right back to the first survey in January 1993 up to the end of 2000. Figures for ISO 14001 prior to 2003 can be also be found in these retained editions on the ISO Web site.


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Sidney Vianna

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ISO Survey 2010 is now available

In North America, ISO 9001 certificate numbers took another hit. We are down to 1998 levels (realizing that the numbers reported back in 1998 were not reliable).

How to spin it? ISO Survey - Certifications up by + 6 %

The latest edition of The ISO Survey of Certifications, for 2010, underlines the global market relevance of ISO's management system standards for quality, environment, medical devices, food safety and information security revealing an increase in certificates of 6.23 %, a worldwide total of 1 457 912 certificates and users of one or more of the standards in 178 countries.

The biggest increases in certification are to the sector-specific ISO 22000:2005 food safety management system standard which is up by 34 % and to the issue-specific ISO/IEC 27001:2005 information security management system standard which has risen by 21 %.

ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele comments, "Indicating nearly a million and a half users at the end of 2010, these figures illustrate the continuing attraction of the ISO management system model pioneered by ISO 9001 for quality management and since extended to meet other challenges faced by public and private sector organizations."

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008, which gives the requirements for quality management systems, remains firmly established as the globally implemented standard for providing assurance about the ability to satisfy quality requirements and to enhance customer satisfaction in supplier-customer relationships.

Up to the end of December 2010, at least 1 109 905 ISO 9001 certificates had been issued in 178 countries and economies. The 2010 total represents an increase of 45 120 (+4 %) over 2009, when the total topped one million for the first time with 1 064 785 certificates.

China retains its number one position at the head of countries for the total number of ISO 9001 certificates, with Italy in second place and the Russian Federation taking the 3rd position. Highest growth in the number of certificates was also in China, followed by the Russian Federation and then Italy.

ISO 14001:2004

ISO 14001:2004, which gives the requirements for environmental management systems, retains its global relevance for organizations wishing to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Up to the end of December 2010, at least 250 972 ISO 14001:2004 certificates had been issued in 155 countries and economies, a growth of 27 823 (+12 %).

China, Japan and Spain are the top three countries for the total number of certificates, while China, the United Kingdom and Spain are the top three for annual growth.

ISO/TS 16949:2009

ISO/TS 16949:2009 gives the requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 by suppliers in the automotive sector. Up to the end of December 2010, at least 43 946 ISO/TS 16949:2009 certificates, a growth of 7 %, had been issued in 84 countries and economies.

The top three countries with the highest totals of certificates were China, the Republic of Korea and the USA, while the top three for growth were China, India and the Republic of Korea.

ISO 13485:2003

ISO 13485:2003 gives quality management requirements for the medical device sector for regulatory purposes. Up to the end of December 2010, at least 18 834 ISO 13485:2003 certificates had been issued in 93 countries and economies. The 2010 total represents an increase of 2 410 (+15 %) over 2009.

The top three countries for the total of certificates were the USA, Germany and Italy and the top three for growth since the 2009 survey were Italy, the USA and the United Kingdom.

ISO/IEC 27001:2005

ISO/IEC 27001:2005 gives the requirements for information security management systems. At the end of 2010, at least 15 625 ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificates had been issued in 117 countries and economies. The 2010 total represents an increase of 2 691 (+21 %) over 2009.

The three countries with the highest total of certificates are Japan, India and the United Kingdom, while the top three for growth in 2010 were Japan, China and the Czech Republic.

ISO 22000:2005

ISO 22000:2005 gives the requirements for food safety management systems. Up to the end of December 2010, at least 18 630 ISO 22000:2005 certificates had been issued in 138 countries and economies. This total represents an increase of 4 749 (+34 %) over 2009 when the total was 13 881 in 129 countries and economies.

The top three countries for number of certificates were China, Greece and Turkey and the top three for growth in 2010 were China, Japan and Greece.

Survey on CD-ROM

ISO makes available the principal findings of the survey free of charge on the ISO Website. More information, including industry sector breakdowns, can be found in The ISO Survey of Certifications – 2010, on a CD-ROM. It is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details).

It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, price 50 Swiss francs, through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication and Information department (see right-hand column).

Note to editors

Certification of conformity is not a requirement of the ISO standards themselves, which can be implemented without certification for the benefits that they help user organizations to achieve for themselves and for their customers. Nevertheless, many thousands of organizations have chosen certification because of the perception that an independent confirmation of conformity adds value.

ISO itself does not perform certification to its standards, does not issue certificates and does not control certification performed independently of ISO by other organizations. However, it frequently receives requests for information on the number of certificates and this led the organization to undertake The ISO Survey. ISO provides the principal findings free of charge as a public information service.


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Re: Annual ISO Surveys of Certificate Numbers - Worldwide data

This is great stuff! I must say I am a bit dissappointed that it takes them almost a year to process that survey. The 2010 survey came out in December of 2011, then a month later you are in year 2012 and the survey effectively becomes 2 years old. :confused:

Sidney Vianna

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Re: Annual ISO Surveys of Certificate Numbers - Worldwide data

The 2011 Survey is expected to be out now in September..."just in time"
Annual ISO Survey of Management System Certificate Numbers - September 2023

Ajit Basrur

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