AS9000 para - Certification Test Reports for Product Acceptance


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Subject: Re: Q: AS 9000
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 09:28:34 -0600
From: ISO Standards Discussion

From: Greg Westall
Subject: RE: Q: AS 9000

>From: "Douglas Wheeler"
New to the AS 9000. We could use some help interpreting the AS 9000 requirement for "When certification test reports are used as the method of product acceptance, the type and frequency of analysis must be documented." Thanks in advance for your assistance.

>Douglas Wheeler

The AS9000 Appendix 1 checklist states on page 46 for element AS

"When certifications are used as a means of product acceptance, procedures shall document the types and frequencies of analyses to validate certification."

The key word here is "validate". Some situations require that receiving inspection consist of physical product inspection and test. When you accept based on certification, you need to periodically "inspect" those certifications. Various methods may include measuring the product to insure that dimensions are within specification or physical testing of mechanical properties to confirm certification statements.

How often you do it should be based on the product, the customer, and your vendor. But you need to have a documented procedure in any case.

Hope this helps.

Greg Westall, CQA
ISO 9000 & AS 9000 Systems Auditor
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