Audit Finding - Measurement of Process - Continuous Improvement - Trend Analysis


Super Moderator
Who said it had to be numeric? Both TS9002 and APG guidance agree that 'measurable' can refer to either quantitative or qualitative methods.
Apparently that knuckleheaded auditor who may not have "qualitative" and "quantitative" in his vocabulary. Probably the type of auditor that doesn't "toot" and just explodes from overpressure sometime in the future.


Trusted Information Resource
Apparently that knuckleheaded auditor who may not have "qualitative" and "quantitative" in his vocabulary. Probably the type of auditor that doesn't "toot" and just explodes from overpressure sometime in the future.

As I read it in the OP post, the auditor only used the word 'measurable' and did not refer specifically to a lack of a quantitative measure:
Auditor concern:​
Requirement - MS Standard API Spec Q1 9th Ed - Clause4.1.3 (Measurable)​
Description: The quality objectives shall be measurable and consistent with the quality policy.​
Objective Evidence: The target for all quality objectives is “Continuous improvement”. No measurable value for any of the quality objectives. The actual charts monitor the performance of each quality objective, but none of them have any measurable target or goal.​

lanley liao

Lingli Liao
Quick Question - Audit Concern - My question, I measure my processes (KPIs) for continuous improvement with trend analysis. The goal as established with procedures is to show a continuous improvement in the processes through trend analysis. If not to conduct an investigation to determine why, and issues a CAR if needed?
Had the following "concern" by an API Auditor. The auditor was looking for a numeric assigned goal for each processes to show that it each process is measurable,
Do I need to rewrite my procedures to establish a numerical goal for each process?

Auditor concern:
Requirement - MS Standard API Spec Q1 9th Ed - Clause4.1.3 (Measurable)
Description: The quality objectives shall be measurable and consistent with the quality policy.
Objective Evidence: The target for all quality objectives is “Continuous improvement”. No measurable value for any of the quality objectives. The actual charts monitor the performance of each quality objective, but none of them have any measurable target or goal.
The facility insists that continuous improvement is measurable.
In looking at Chart KPIb, it shows the On-Time-Delivery slipping in 2021 from 93% in December 2020 to 77% in December 2021 which indicated that they did not maintain continuous improvement as stated in the Quality Objectives.
This is shown as a concern because the facility is doing a good job in tracking the numbers for each chart and looking for continuous improvement but nothing measurable as a target.
Nonconformance/Concern Description: Quality Objectives are not measurable.
The facility insisted that continuous improvement without measurable target is measurable.

My procedures State:
*4 Three negative trend points in a row results in Top Management Review. It is at the discretion of Top Management to issues a CAR for recommended improvements.

Your Thoughts and inputs shall be greatly appreciated.


This is a concern and it does not need to respond to API, but you need to focus on it. In fact, this is a very simple question that you need to understand the requirement of API Spec Q1,section 4.1.3 and 4.1.3 as well as how they can be fulfilled..........
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