Kees Fremerij
Starting to get Involved
When using the VDmax25 and all Bioburden levels are below the detection limit (eg < 2 cfu, not a single colony on the plates) you should use the zero counts for the verification dose and not the actual detection limit of 2. This is correct? This leads to 0 kGy for verification. Or should you make use of the Harry Potter like approach with calculating based on the Poisson Distribution. It looks like magic that with no colonies at all, you end up with a theoretical number for Bioburden of something below 1 cfu. This will give you a verification dose. I look very straight: no colonies, no verification dose and straight to sterility testing.
Am I correct in this or should magic help in this situation...
Thanks in advance!
Am I correct in this or should magic help in this situation...
Thanks in advance!