Building a "Lean" Job Shop Training Program


Some quick background: Work for a 200 person "job shop"; low volume; high mix; variety of materials; multiple processes from lasers to mills and lathes to bending brazing and welding. Because of this we need folks to be able to be flexible and to move where we need them. We are largely able to do this but it makes training documentation something of a nightmare. You see - I am the one charged with this.
Our current system is to have a training document for each machine type and model. These are all controlled. Then we have an OJT, that is geared to the particular department, and are used to document training of new employees. Also - any time an employee moves to a different department - even if they are running similar equipment - they are suppose to get a signoff on that particular Item.
We are a face paced, quick turnaround shop and frankly this is a system that is way to cumbersome for our business model.

So I am looking for ideas on how to streamline this process.
Many of our machine work instructions are repetitive and I am looking for a way to create documents that fit more with the idea that the person is competent at "general production" i.e., they follow direction, they don't produce scrap, they work safely, etc. Then, where a specific document is truly needed and truly value added, we can create one.
Been looking on line for ideas but haven't really come up with anything yet. I was a member of Elsmar many years ago and know what a great bunch of folks are here so I came back to see what ideas you folks might have. Let's kick ideas around.
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