Calibration by correlated parameter - Equipment to measure resistance


Iim Ibrohim

I have measurement equpment to measure resistancy. can I calibrate it using corelation parameters, entering certain value of electricity flow (in ampere). If I can, any body knows the procedure ? Help me and I am sorry about my English.


Fully vaccinated are you?
I cannot personally help you on this question. Hopefully someone else who visits here can. But - just in case, you might also want to post your question on the calibration listserve.

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith (edited 04-05-99).]


Fully vaccinated are you?
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 12:36:52 +0700
Subject: Calibration by correlated parameter - Equipment to measure resistance

Dear Greg

I am Iim Ibrohim from Indonesia. I know your name from Marc at the Cove. He told me that you can help my problem.

We have a measurement equipment to measure resistancy of potentio meter (in ohm). Actually it is like an attribute measurement aquipment. We set the limit, and it become a go no go gage. The question is, if we do calibration by feeding certain value of Ampere, will it be a problem (in the relationship with ISO guide 25 or QS-9000) ?

If we can do it, is there any procedure or guidance you can send to me ?

Thank's in advance.


Subject: calibration (fwd)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 14:05:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Greg Gogates

Moderator Note:


It sounds like you are using a pot (or linear pot) to measure a distance
or rotation. Using the measured ohms you are converting it to a go-nogo

Neither ISO25 or ISO900x will argue with you as long as;
- The equipment is calibrated and traceable.
- Your method is preferrably published or custom.
- This method will have to be agreeable with the client
- Most importantly you have evidence that your device produces values
within the tolerance and uncertainties required by the go-nogo criteria.

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