Can flowcharts replace text based Procedures?


Al Dyer


Use the search function and there are many examples.


Greg B


I have attached a copy of one of our new work instructions. They are simple to use and they meet all of the criteria. We also use Flow Charts but usually to act as guides or reminders (prompts) to more experienced people. We Would not - Could not use flow charts across the company because of the different skill and knowledge levels within the work force (Flow charts usually only contain prompts and not detailed text). All operators and tradesman use the various WI's and therefore they must meet the requirements of the lowest common denominator in respect of knowledge. Our workforce and environment does not allow us the luxury of having everyone fully trained in all aspects of the operation before the start so the WI becomes part of the learning package along within on the job training.
If This is not our sole style but it is the model adopted by most areas in the operation. I conducted customer surveys across the company and we ended updesigning this style as the most comfortable for everyone to use and understand. It was a valuable exercise. The old WI's reflected the exact numbering system of the 9K1K standard so


  • wi ccm-04r01.doc
    629 KB · Views: 553


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Mike S. said:

I’m with Claes. I don’t buy the idea of flowcharts and pictures being the ONLY valuable format for procedures, instructions, etc. That’s too broad of a statement for my taste. IMO it depends on the situation. Don’t get me wrong, I think flowcharts are great tools, as are pictures, diagrams, etc. and they can be the best tool for the job in many cases, and they (flowcharts) can stand-alone. But sometimes, in my experience, regular old text does the job best. I think we need to keep all of these tools in our toolbox and not assume any one tool is always best. As the old saying goes, to the man who only has a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Just my penny’s worth.

I agree 100%. You look at your situation and determine what you need. From that one determines the best format to achieve the goal. It may be text. It may be a movie. It may be a flow chart. It may be a word document with pictures (you get my drift, I hope).

As always, my motto:

"One size does NOT fit all!"


Trusted Information Resource
db said:
BTW, I had a run in with an auditor who issued a major because she said that procedures have to be narrative. Flowcharting was not allowed. She would not back down, and my client would not let me intervene with the registrar. They felt it would only make future audits harder. They essentially re-wrote their entire level 2 documentation. (the also claimed I gave them "bad advice" in making procedures that were noncompliant.) Oh well
You've got to wonder where some auditors come up with these things. :mad: If that had happened in a company I worked for, that auditor would never set foot in the building again. It sounds like your client must have really been intimidated by them. BTW, you can file a complaint with the RAB... :frust:


While making the transition t 9k2k, we found it helpful to convert many narrative procedures to flowcharts due to lack of usefulness to the shop floor worker, it also saved some trees in the process. We now actually have sign off's on some of the flowcharts and they serve a dual role, first as the procedure, then as record of conformity to requirements. Not sure you can flowchart the six required procedures effectively though, especially internal audits and corrective action. It's been effective so far, and makes reviews and updates a breeze. Micrographics flowcharter is what we use, seems to be pretty decent software for simple flowcharting.

M Greenaway


I have effectively process mapped internal audits and corrective action - unfortunately I can no longer post attachments to this site.


Trusted Information Resource

Rhinehart said:

Where can I get information on flowcharts?

Hi Bob and welcome to the Cove!!!!

Use the search function. Flowcharts have been discussed many times on these boards.



M Greenaway

No problem Mike, its because I am too tight to subscribe to this forum.
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