I have a question on drug listing -
for the Medical devices, the Establishment Registration and Device listings are in public domain on the FDA website, https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfRL/rl.cfm
I was trying to find a similar site for Drug Products; I know the Drug Establishments Current Registration Site, https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm135778.htm gives registered Drug Firms but could not find the listed drug products.
Is such a database available ?
Thank you
for the Medical devices, the Establishment Registration and Device listings are in public domain on the FDA website, https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfRL/rl.cfm
I was trying to find a similar site for Drug Products; I know the Drug Establishments Current Registration Site, https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm135778.htm gives registered Drug Firms but could not find the listed drug products.
Is such a database available ?
Thank you