Jim Wade said:
Certification to a narrow chunk of ISO 9000 has certainly devalued it, IMO, Martin.
Maybe someone will come up with a more meaningful scheme to include the whole ISO 9000 concept.
In any case, what happens next with ISO 9000 will be interesting. It might not further the cause of 'quality' much, but it will be fun.
And it can't be any more embarrassing and shameful than the status quo. Or can it?
rgds Jim
There is a popular amusement park game called Whacka-Mole. There are several little mole-like characters that pop up one at a time and go back into the hole at random in no particular sequence. The object is to take this fairly big cushioned mallet and bop that little sucker and smash it back into the hole. The game is set up in a circle so that many people start smashing their own little group of moles at the sound of the bell. When the bell sounds again, the winner is the person with the most number of recorded hits. You win a 25 cent stuffed toy, but the joy of winning is obvious.
What does that game have to do with this thread? Well, that's how I feel every time this topic comes up regarding the certificate vs its value. The MO's. the MHO's, JMHO's do not lessen the impact that mole has on me. It doesn't really matter what the thread is, up pops the "certificate" mole, again. It pops up where you never expect to see it. But, you know it's coming. Any second now. Thus the popularity of the actual Amusement park game.
Those striving for the certificate and those who already have the certificate, consultants who have implemented ISO 9001, Registrars who issued the certificate and all Auditors (internal/external) who issued favorable reports that resulted in a company obtaining the certificate should feel cheapened by this constant reminder that what we do, or what we are trying to do is, well, it just doesn't measure up to the grand scheme of things. Like, we should all be looking at a particular vision to really be accomplishing something. If not, you may be a "Chalatan". Oh yes, I remember that little mole well.
Just when I'm feeling comfortable and enjoying the game, this mole appears and impulsively I have to whack at it. I've whacked at in the past and will continue to whack it every time that little sucker shows its head. It an unarguable position and like ISO Guy has posted (even though it's considered the party line
), unauditable. I consider it mere chatter with a condescending tone. Just another indefensible position that I'm taking issue with. Just another mole! Hey, it's JMHO!