"The story of GMR heads (, "the breakthrough that boosted the capacity of hard-drives from a few gigabytes to 100 gigabytes and more—came from chance observation, basic research and a vast, painstaking search for the right materials." Check out the helpful infographic ((broken link removed))."
Background: This is a story, essentially, about how hard drives broke through some of the space limitations at the beginning of the 1990s - pretty cool background.
Comments folks? :thedeal:
"The story of GMR heads (, "the breakthrough that boosted the capacity of hard-drives from a few gigabytes to 100 gigabytes and more—came from chance observation, basic research and a vast, painstaking search for the right materials." Check out the helpful infographic ((broken link removed))."
Background: This is a story, essentially, about how hard drives broke through some of the space limitations at the beginning of the 1990s - pretty cool background.
Comments folks? :thedeal: