Chrysler's Requirement for Powerway Software


Al Dyer


Looking for input on the Chrysler requirement and how it will affect the current software we use.....



Al, What requirement? I know DC bought powerway, but as a DC supplier we have not been told to use the software.
Is there a new memo out pertaining to this?

Al Dyer


We received a letter from Diamler Chrysler dated 4/4/2001 that says we must start using to handle all AQP activities starting with the 2004 model year.


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 08 May 2001).]

J.R. Strickland

We received the same letter. By the way, according to the Powerway website, suppliers have to pay DC to use this new required APQP "service". That will probably go over about as well as the mandatory 5% price reduction.

Laura M

For all the D/C Suppliers, I sure hope the APQP modules of Powerway are easier to use than the document creation and control. This is not "easy to use" software - IMHO - and it would appear that Powerway landed on a gold mine with this one. And you have to pay for the requirement -Geez.....

Goes back to being give the Shall's and the should's but not the How to's. Now the How to's are shalls?

Howard Atkins

Forum Administrator
For more info on Powerway search the forums.There are a lot of postings.
Delphi wants their suppliers to use their PPAP forms etc but supply them to suppliers as a speadsheet.
It seems to me unreasonable to demand use of a specific software if it costs money but they are the customer.
The same happens with CAD systems

Laura M

Howard - the PPAP spreadsheets in excel are so easy. That's why I can't see managing the system through canned software. Has Delphi gone across the board with the PPAP excel files, or just the division you are familiar with?


The web site is an impressive sell, however i take my chances and wait to see it in a contract requirement or a letter directly from DC.
We have Powerway installed, but do not use it; maintenance fees are too high,too difficult to use and suppotr was/is terrible.


We got the letter on April 4th along with a demo CD. The program is not the ordinary Powerway software (junk). The program is a web based system with "quality windows" that provide for a phased in APQP. I looks like the customer can go online and look at what the supplier has done at any given moment. Suppliers can get the latest engineering information and APQP requirements. I'm gonna wait to buy it until someone calls me on it or it shows up on the PASS report.

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