Hello! I am hoping there will be someone here who has experienced a situation similar to the one my company is experiencing. For many years we have maintained ISO/MDD/CMDCAS certifications through the same NB. Our company has a legal entity name which is not present on any product labeling yet since it is the legal name, it has appeared on our certificates with various dba/trading names listed. With this year's recertification audit, the TF auditor has now indicated the dba names are not permitted and that our certificates themselves are not correct. This will cause large problems for our company which wishes to distribute products under the trade names known in the industry. I am thinking we cannot be the only company operating in this fashion. How has this been addressed in other situations? A larger problem is the fact that the certificates have been permitted (and reviewed) for years without any mention that the company names were not permitted. Thanks for any input to this matter as it will be greatly appreciated!