Comparative References are usually Visual Standards sometimes called Boundary Samples



comparative references

Can anyone define was a "comparative reference" is and give examples? The standard calls for control and verification at stated frequency but does not give a clear definition of what exactly a comparative reference is.

Christian Lupo

Comparitive references are usually visual standards. For example if acceptance or rejection of your product is based on subjective criteria ("good" color vs. "bad" color) you have a representative sample that represents "good" color or acceptable product. That "good" sample would be your "reference sample" to which you would compare finished product.


My examples include:
1) wire harness samples used as guidelines as operators assemble

2) Known non-conforming product (painted red for ID) used for testing mistake-proof devices to ensure they still detect the mistake they are designed to.

3) Known non-conforming product (ID'd as above) used to verify testing machines still fail bad parts as they should.

4) Machined set blocks used to set-up production equipment (including shims)

Is any of this stuff comparative references? Do I have to control any of this stuff? Thanks for any answers!!!

Christian Lupo

1)Yes those are comparative references and,
2)Yes they all must be controlled.
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