I am responsible for the quality performance at each. From Car salesman to managing other managers in a manufacturing environment - this is his first rodeo as it were. Don't get me wrong he has good business sense, yet even he admits that much of how things are ran is new to him. His confidence in me is not an issue (his words) - I think his issue of managing from a distance is Quality is an everyday thing and should have more hands on management. Yet, I have managed quality and been a part of multisite organizations quality teams both locally and internationally and it worked. So how do I convince him (get his buy in), his boss agrees with me but we (including myself) will not go around him as that would not be professional.
Maybe I didn't use the right phrase regarding his confidence in you. He can have a general confidence in your ability but, back to specifics, confidence in your ability to do what? He is making it clear that does NOT have confidence in you (or perhaps anyone) to control quality at a site that you are not present at.
The product managers are there on site. Your boss' confidence is in them and that is why they have authority. Now I am not at all agreeing with his assertion that you have to be there to manage quality but he is making it clear that is his opinion.
All that to say that by gaining his confidence, I mean for him to eventually learn that you can successfully assure quality at sites that you are not personally on site. So I didn't mean the confidence crisis is with you specifically.
Unfortunately this still leaves you in an untenable situation. Responsibility without Authority.