Context SWOT tie to ISO 9001:2015 Cl. 6.1 Risk and Opportunities


Jim Green

I have the ISO 9001 "In plain English"

They do a SWOT example for Internal and External issues. How is 6.1 tied to the SWOT. IE objective evidence that Risk and Opportunities have been determined.

Is weakness and threats = Risks ?
Strengths Opportunities = Opportunities?

What do I do once the Swot is completed. Does further action have to be taken?

I have never done one before.


Super Moderator
What do I do once the Swot is completed. Does further action have to be taken?

What ACTIONS can you (your organization) take to use your strengths to minimize the threats (or maximize your opportunities or improve your weaknesses or...).

Once you decide on the actions to take, monitor them and measure for effectiveness. Were they effective?

Lather, rinse, repeat. (Intended to be a living thing, not a one-time exercise in futility.)


Quite Involved in Discussions
What ACTIONS can you (your organization) take to use your strengths to minimize the threats (or maximize your opportunities or improve your weaknesses or...).

Once you decide on the actions to take, monitor them and measure for effectiveness. Were they effective?

Lather, rinse, repeat. (Intended to be a living thing, not a one-time exercise in futility.)

This was not the original question, as I understood. he question is how to tie SWOT to 6.1.1??
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